New here

I have finally decided that I need to loose weight for myself. I found this app and so far after about 3 days i love it. I like how it counts calories and the database is great. the only thing i have to figure out is what exercises count on the xbox kinetic- your shape for me to put in here. but i do have a wii and i love that its in here too. :wink:


  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Welcome. I love that the Wii has entries here as well. After finding that out I've added a session on Wii sports Tennis to every day's exercise.
  • mispink
    mispink Posts: 11
    hi it is? it show's the wii?
  • mispink
    mispink Posts: 11
    wow really? i will check that out! where do u look on here at?