
granville Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2023 in Introduce Yourself
I am having fun adding up my calories. Boy do they add up!
I indulged this weekend and the scale showed it today. I am trying not to beat myself up about it. When I look at the whole (1st) week, I did quite well.

I'm 42, married, work full time, and have 2 kids and the weight just keeps sneaking up on me and it's not so easy to lose as it used to be. I have always been 10 to 15 pounds heavier than I dream about being. These days, the extra curves look more like what they are - flab! Why is it that in 42 years, I have not been able to get there? Am I afraid that once I get there, I will NOT turn into the drop dead babe I dream about? After dreaming about it for so long, that would be horrible. Instead, I try to focus on being healthy. Running (Okay, so it's more like lumbering) is my stress relief and lifesaver. It is a lot less painful with even a couple less pounds.

Anyway, good luck to all!
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