Sensible Celebrating?

I plan to stay focused today, and have prepared for the calories that will be spent later. It is Saturday night and going out with my guy is something that makes a hard week worthwhile. Life balance, right?

So when it comes to celebrating, what are suggestions for sensible choices for a cocktail or two?


  • tjlbg1984
    tjlbg1984 Posts: 40 Member
    I mean they have the low calorie beers now by Budlight and Miller Lite. I think the Bud Select has only 55 calories. However, if I am going out I like to just get a vodka and water. No soda or juice to spike the calorie count, and I can still have a mixed drink. I always seem to feel like the fruitier the drink, the higher it is in calories!
  • gidjet11
    gidjet11 Posts: 86
    Some of my friends use Sprite Zero, Coke Zero, or Pepsi Max in their mixed drinks so they aren't adding calories. I don't drink any of those so I don't know that much about them, but it's worth looking into. ;-)