What wrong with me???

Ok, so I have been exercising 30 minutes 6 days a week for 2 wk . I have been trying hard to eat healthier, more fruits and veggies, but yet my weight isn't going down. What wrong with me, oh yeah and been drinking 80oz of water if not more everyday, no sodas, no anything just water. I'm getting frustrated, I don't know what to do. Anyone have any suggestions or in the same boat. Thanks


  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Congrats on 13# gone! Don't get defeated because it is slow. Maybe change your exercise routine like add intensity, add time, or just change the things you do so your body gets confused and ramps up the burn. And lastly if you are like me you just have to reign in what you are eating - might be underestimating intake? A fresh look at the food and a change in the exercise should get things moving again for you. Good luck!!!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks DeBlue and Congrats on the 11lbs lost :flowerforyou:
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Also if you are eating out, even staying under calorie goals, you can get ALOT of sodium and with all the water you are drinking that can lead to water retention. I suggest you measure everything you eat, You can get "fooled" by not doing so and then change up exercise. If you normally walk try bike riding or jumping on the trampoline or my favorite swimming. It takes time and is frustrating but the weight will come off just do the right things.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Congrats on 13# gone! Don't get defeated because it is slow. Maybe change your exercise routine like add intensity, add time, or just change the things you do so your body gets confused and ramps up the burn. And lastly if you are like me you just have to reign in what you are eating - might be underestimating intake? A fresh look at the food and a change in the exercise should get things moving again for you. Good luck!!!

    So I never jog, Do u think jogging will do the trick. I watch Biggest Loser and I see them on the treadmill all the time and they shed, shed, shed the poundage...LOL I think I might go jogging this week and see what happens... :tongue:
  • kirstinkrueger
    First and foremost DONT GIVE UP :) you are on the right track and you are doing a good job. Maybe try to up your workout a little. Also, have you talked to a dr about your weightloss? I know when i first started i was the same way and I wanted to give up sooooo bad! But i kept at it, and after awhile of being "stuck" it started to come off like crazy. now I am stuck again.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. Is this what you are doing?/
  • susancelli928
    There is nothing wrong with you.. The same thing hapens to everyone, your body is used to the routine so you have to change it. Up your exercise 5 mins, change your food habits to making a differnt meal bigger then the rest. It will kick in again for you
  • rockbentley
    Be consistent.....be diligent....count EVERY calorie! If you can't calculate the calories in something then do not eat it. And most importantly don't give up!
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    I would say amp up the exercise a tad - increase the intensity so you keep your body constantly improving. My main exercise is walking - and I try to walk a tad faster every time, or jog some, even lately I've added running. Not much, because I can only handle so much - but I always try to push myself a little more each time. Also - just a word of advice - having mini goals is great, but having expectations of when you should reach each mini goal can lead to frustration and failure. I'm saying this because I have done that a million times in the past, and it's fun at first, but as soon as a mini goal isn't reached in a certain time frame, I just want to jump ship. And while I don't know how often you are weighing - just remember if you are weighing weekly, there are so many things especially in women which can affect your weight from day to day. Water weight, muscle weight, etc. Maybe try to go 2 weeks inbetween weighing and concentrate on your inches lost not so much the number on the scale. Congrats on your success so far and best of luck to you!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Nothing is wrong with you! I'm inclined to agree with the other posts. Shake up your workout a little bit and make sure you aren't undereating. Add a little run to your routine or spin maybe? Also remember if you've added muscle it weighs more than fat. I've been super slow losing lately but know I've lost fat and put on muscle so while the scales haven't moved I know I'm improving me!
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Wait ... maybe I'm reading this wrong ... but your ticker says you've lost 13 pounds. Is that 13 pounds in two weeks? Um, if so, that's pretty damn good. That's 6.5 pounds a week!
  • biceptor
    biceptor Posts: 18
    there isn't anything wrong with you, we all progress at different rates. the american heart association recommends that you get 150 minutes of cardio work every week just to notice a light change if not just to maintain your current level. They say you should get 300+ minutes every week in order to start really reaping the benefits of exercise. one thing that helps me out is that you try to increase your time every week by 5-15% of your current performance capability, or CPC. so since you are at 180 minutes each week, try to get 189-207 minutes overall this next week. then you take that level, say you get 190 minutes over the week, and that becomes your CPC, and multiply that new number by 5-15% and shoot for that, so 199.5-218.5 minutes of exercise. making this little additions help you create goals each week, and help you feel confident about reaching goals for yourself. I hope this helps, keep that motivation level up, and good luck!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Without being able to see your food diary it is hard to say. Sometimes it can take a few weeks to a month for weight to start coming off. Again, if you make your diary public I'd be happy to give you some input.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    First and foremost DONT GIVE UP :) you are on the right track and you are doing a good job. Maybe try to up your workout a little. Also, have you talked to a dr about your weightloss? I know when i first started i was the same way and I wanted to give up sooooo bad! But i kept at it, and after awhile of being "stuck" it started to come off like crazy. now I am stuck again.

    Thanks for the info, i will definately try working out more
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Average weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. Is this what you are doing?/

    Yes if not less
  • purpleposies
    purpleposies Posts: 90 Member
    Also, if you're looking to get into running, I'm a huge fan out the Couch25k program. :)
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I would say amp up the exercise a tad - increase the intensity so you keep your body constantly improving. My main exercise is walking - and I try to walk a tad faster every time, or jog some, even lately I've added running. Not much, because I can only handle so much - but I always try to push myself a little more each time. Also - just a word of advice - having mini goals is great, but having expectations of when you should reach each mini goal can lead to frustration and failure. I'm saying this because I have done that a million times in the past, and it's fun at first, but as soon as a mini goal isn't reached in a certain time frame, I just want to jump ship. And while I don't know how often you are weighing - just remember if you are weighing weekly, there are so many things especially in women which can affect your weight from day to day. Water weight, muscle weight, etc. Maybe try to go 2 weeks inbetween weighing and concentrate on your inches lost not so much the number on the scale. Congrats on your success so far and best of luck to you!

    Thanks I will try that and congrats on your weight loss, you look amazing
  • mtfairy
    mtfairy Posts: 3
    I was having the same problem. Thought I was forever doomed. Then...... I ran out of clean clothes and had to try on a pair of pants that were 4 sizes smaller than the ones I was wearing!!! Turns out, I was losing fat and gaining muscle. I wasn't losing weight but inches. Keep up the good work. There is nothing wrong with you, it will happen :)
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Wait ... maybe I'm reading this wrong ... but your ticker says you've lost 13 pounds. Is that 13 pounds in two weeks? Um, if so, that's pretty damn good. That's 6.5 pounds a week!

    No its 13pounds in one month... I guess watching Biggest Loser i want to lose more than that, but they are on a ranch and exercising 6-8hrs a day. So I guess 13pounds in a month is pretty good. I just want to lose everything now...LOL But I'm not giving up. I just have to kick it up a notch...
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    Plateaus can happen anytime. Sometimes our bodies can be stubborn! A trainer told my friend that sometimes when we make extreme changes to the way we eat and/or exercise our bodies can take 2 weeks to catch up to the changes. He described it as the body storing up energy while it waited to see what the heck we were doing to it! (I'm no professional and just paraphrasing here!) My friend didn't lose a single pound for 2 weeks, but has now been losing consistently.

    Don't give up! Try changing routines, intensities, even switching meals around (e.g. dinner for lunch, or breakfast for dinner) if you are a creature of habit!