Lather rinse repeat...

iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I never ever thought I would see myself as a yo-yo dieter, and I'm not sure the term fits exactly, but I am beginning to realize I am closer to it than I'd like. I've been a member of MFP for several months and been on other sites previously, but all in all I'm only down by maybe 10 lbs from my highest. (I reset my ticker/start weight at the beginning of the year, I forget exactly what it was when I started here last July).

It's not so much that I do crazy crash diets or anything, just that I try to make healthy changes, stick to it for days, weeks, or once in a while for a few months, and eventually I just go tumbling off the wagon. I haven't seen the smaller side of 200 lbs in years.

Somehow I've just got to improve my sticktoitiveness.... but somehow I always lose focus. Probably in part because I rarely see progress as fast as I'd like, often because I end up making poor choices despite my best intentions. My depression (and my sweetie's as well) has been a big part of what's been holding me back, but now that the days are getting longer (I have SAD) and he's found a doc who has him on meds that are helping a lot, I think change is ready to come.

I would really really love to rebuild my friend network here. I removed a ton of folks a few months back when I realized I wasn't keeping up with people as well as I wanted to. I really regret it now because while I adore the friends I have here, I need all the support and encouragement I can get. So please, feel free to send me a friend request! :)


  • Welcome to the world of reality, you are NOT the only one who has had this issue. We would not be human if we didn't make mistakes. You made the first step and came back so that means you are willing to do IT this time. You got this and know people are here to help.. Best of Luck
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Bumping up, still eagerly accepting more new buddies. :)
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