just some advice...

i posted this on my wall but decided to share with everyone too...
ok, so you all know that I am a huge cyclist/spinner, and if you didn"t, you do now, SOOOO on that note, about 10 days ago i decided I needed to change my cardio, so I have NEVER been a big runner, mainly due to the fact that is the main thing that makes my idiotic exercise induced asthma kick in, so I said screw it and push through and just do it...WELL i did some stregth sprints on the treadmill to expand my lungs and lived through that for about 4 days... Friday I decide I am going to get up and go get an inhaler, because I AM going to run this 5k on Saturday even if it kills me. So i get the inhalor and go to the gym and i am able to run a mile on the treadmill no problem. So here comes race time Saturday morning and i am thinking OMG I am about to run/walk/crawl/be carried/whatever in this 5k, but I WILL finish. So i finished it in about 34 minutes, thats about an 11 1/2 minute mile, not bad for 1 week training right? Well I am a firm believer in changing your workout because in this past week, i have worked my core muscles like they have never been worked before and it feels sooooo good. I am seeing the results too just in 1 week. So the moral of the story is if you run, bike. If you bike, run. If you do both, swim! whatever, but find something different cardio wise, like it or not, and you will see your body change like never before! AMEN!
