1200 Calories a day. Good or Bad?



  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    It's been crazy, because even though I've been doing this for only 2 days, and I'm eating good for breakfast and lunch, I feel like by dinner I still have SO many calories left. And by exercising, I'm just adding to those calories. Like tonight, I had a big dinner and ate things I shouldn't have eaten, and I still have some left, so I'm confused. I guess I'll just continue to exercise and eat only the 1600 and see where that gets me.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks for that link. It does explain a lot. I know when I was doing Weight Watchers, they always let you have extra points for the day when you exercised, but they never made it a big deal if you actually added them in or not.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I will read that when I finish this comment, but only taking in 1200 cals daily ( some exercise cals) has worked for me for 3 months. I have lost a pound a week. And two weeks ago I randomly lost 3 pounds in one week, and haven't lost again BUT I have lost inches inches, and I am toning up a lot. For exercise I do JM 6 week 6 pack five -six times a week and I run 3-4 miles on T-F-S and on Sunday I run 6-7 miles. It seems the majority of all my friends who have open dairys it is the same. I am never starving. I will go read it and reply.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Also I TRY TRY TRY to only whole fresh foods, (not on cheat day of course), nothing processed, nothing in a box. Only the first two tiers. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    I honestly believe that it is probably different for each person. No one body is the same, therefore I think how fast your body burns fat will be different. The 1200 is probably enough for you, and you are more than likely losing the weight because of how much you exercise. I think that me, being larger than you, if I were to eat only 1200 a day, I would probably go into the starvation mode.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks for that link. It does explain a lot. I know when I was doing Weight Watchers, they always let you have extra points for the day when you exercised, but they never made it a big deal if you actually added them in or not.

    I haven't done WW but I think the biggest difference between MFP and anywhere else is that when you set your goals here MFP automatically creates a deficit so if you logged food and never exercised you would still lose weight because that deficit is there. Once you add exercise you are increasing that deficit, if it is too much of one then you can run into issues with starvation mode and such but it sounds like you are doing well with your intake.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    If i get to a point where I stop losing or a plateau I will try upping my calories, but it seems scary bc I don't want to gain weight.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    If i get to a point where I stop losing or a plateau I will try upping my calories, but it seems scary bc I don't want to gain weight.

    This post might help then: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/202205-undereating
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I sometimes eat 1300 calories, sometimes under 1000. I am never consistent. Eating under 1000 calories has been oked by my doctor as long as I am not doing it every day. I rarely eat my exercise calories back and when I do, it definitely isn't all of them. I am barely 4' 11" and need an extra deficit on top of what MFP has already accounted for due to being hypothryroid. I am gaining muscles and losing weight and inches. I have much more energy than before and I am never hungry. I eat good meals about 96% of the time