Journey of over 200 pounds starts with a single meal

Hi all! I've struggled with my weight my whole life, but the last 10 years, it has skyrocketed! Was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and my endocrinologist did radioactive iodine therapy about 2 years ago. Apparently, I have now gone mildly hypothyroid, so I was put on Synthroid in January. Add to that the fact that I'm an emotional eater and was recently diagnosed with binge eating disorder, and you see where I have a problem.

At the referral of my endo, I started a physician assisted weight loss program at the nutrition clinic of a local hospital. They programmed me on Wednesday and have opted for a fairly aggressive approach. Anyway, with such a long way to go, I fear getting discouraged, so I could certainly use support from folks who can relate!


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Welcome!! Not sure how much I can relate but you are free to add me as a friend if you like. I hope you have great success in your journey to a better and healthier you.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    There are more of us on MFP than you might imagine that have had that far, and farther to go. You can do this. Do it healthily and just keep trying. If you fall, its ok. Just get up and keep going. Remember that the weight didnt magically appear on you over night and it wont come off that fast either. You can do it!
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome, and your in a good place here. Motivation, support and friends, what more can you ask for... Good luck with you journey, need anything just a email away.....
  • sheryllh79
    I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism too about 4 years ago...still managed to gain a lot of weight and acquired type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. I went thru the gastric bypass surgery a couple of days before Christmas so I could lose weight (I'm considered severely obese). you can add me as a friend if you like...
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    I too had over 200 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. To date I have lost 178! I hope that I may be of some inspiration to you when there seems like you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • XBabigrl72
    Best of luck on your journey. As long as you stick to it and keep a positive attitude you will see all the results you want.
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    What I can tell you is MFP is awesome!! Its a motivator to actually see what you're eating.. for me it has always been more of what I eat rather than the amount.. and that I just love food.. ALL the bad ones.. so the community here is awesome for encouragement and the tools here help me stay on track.. what I've also done to help me is I have asked the guys I know to help keep me accountable with my workouts and I've given them all permission to ask me how I"m doing weekly.. just knowing that someone will be asking me on a weekly basis if I went to the gym like I said helps me...

    Welcome to MFP I hope you find is as much of a Awesome place as I have.. and I've only been around for 2 weeks..

    PS -- I still eat some of the foods I love just a whole lot less of them :)

    Good luck on your journey and welcome to the MFP world :)