Ready as I'll ever be .. :)

v2Fireko Posts: 27
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there, the name is Mel. I'm 18 years old (relatively young compared to the rest of you users I suppose, haha) and ready to meet a happier and healthier me. I'm not particularly overweight, or at least not yet, but I do live quite an unhealthy lifestyle. Since going to university, my habits have only gone worse, and I can already see significant body changes.

It’s a bit daunting to post this publicly, given that I hide away in my uni dorm for the majority of times, but I also think this is what I need - to throw myself out there and begin to take those small, little steps towards a brighter life. I'm feeling quite pumped since my Pops has agreed to fund my gym membership, and I definitely want to prove to him that every penny spent was well worth it; as well as reach my half-marathon goal at the end of the year. I'll need to figure out how to juggle uni school work with exercise, but I'm sure I can do this. Attitude determines altitude.

Hopefully I'll be able to meet a few weight loss / getting fit buddies in my journey. I've experienced first-hand how much team support really does boost one's performance, and I'd love to also be able to positively be apart of someone else's journey as well.

Anyways, 'nough said; cheers!

- mel


  • Well said! It is hard but very worth it when you "throw yourself out there" in places such as these. You should find that most of the active participants are all positive and supportive in these types of communities . . . in groups of people even e-groups there may be a few "bad apples" but I have yet to find one in this community; if/when I do, I will just delete and block them out completely - problem solved! :)

    I am also a very private person - I do this to protect myself from being hurt and stepped on by others, so I appreciate and know how much it took you to open up like this - WAY TO GO! :)

    I may be nearly 37 but I am 18 and sometimes younger at heart - age is but a number! :) You are only as young or as old as you let yourself feel - a person can make themselves feel young by eating healthy and staying active both physically and mentally! :)

    Here's to our individual success at all we wish to accomplish in life and the TEAM's success as well! :)
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