McDonald's meal plan



  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Cassie, food sales, consumption, promotion is like a cancer in America lol. Best way to put it from convenience to drug style TV advertising and then we have entire networks committed to food alone ie Food Network etc etc.. You might of just had a nice healthy meal then you see a TV commercial with this sweet looking 3/4 lb pile of beef with bacon on a nice hamburger bun running over 1000 calories a sandwich. I don't know if they have whats called a TV dinner in France but its the perfect meal sized portion.

    If you ate 3 of those sized meals a day and a couple of snacks everybody would be under 20% body fat but to hungry eyes they are snack sized for most . I honestly believe that food companies that have TV ads are as bad as drug companies. People watch these commercials all day long and eventually think they have an issue that requires some sort of pill fix and go to a doctor with symptoms they've made up in there heads and get on these meds. Same applies to TV commercials about food.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    But regardless, I think these advertisements are ironic because the solution they propose to weight loss (eating fastfood) is typically one of the primary causes of weight gain. I think overall these ads are misleading because the healthy options presented only account for a small fraction of their overall menu. Still, overall, I like the trend these advertisements are forming because I believe the end result is MORE healthy options for society.

    I don't think McDonalds are promoting this guy's diet as a solution for weight loss. I got the impression that it's something he's decided to do, to draw attention to his challenge and raise more money.
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Seriously, this article is very interesting to me. It's similar to Taco Bell's Drive Thru Diet campaign. And specifically, this campaign by McDonald's seems like a counter ad campaign to the Supersize Me film that came out SEVERAL YEARS go. What do you all think??

    sorry this message has been edited, I had a brain fart, SUPERSIZE ME was released several years ago... not a few months ago haha

    I figured that, just didn't know if i had missed a new one out there, i know there have been several new documentaries about similar here in the last couple of years ;)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Oh man how I WISH I could do this! And it is correct, weight loss is completely about calorie control and nothing else. HOWEVER I would hate to know what this type of diet does to an athlete.. diarrhea, constipation, destruction of the immune system, unhealthy hair nails and skin, messing up the metabolism, and overall lack of sufficient nutritents. No way people. NO. WAY.

    I agree. To each his own but my body knows healthy foods now. When I eat fast food (or junk food) I pay the price inside. I feel what that food does to me and I'm sorry but food isn't supposed to make you feel like that. And yes weight loss is about calories but what we put in our body is important for the long haul. Sure you will lose weight but inside your health will deteriorate. I eat healthy not because I want to but because I have to. I don't always like what I'm eating but it makes it worth it knowing my body does.

    Fast food diets (even keeping caloires within range) are not a good nutrition plan.
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    hpsnickers1, I totally agree. Eating McDonalds Food made me sick. My stomach blew up like a balloon. I don't know what exactly they put in their food, but it shouldn't make people sick. My son liked eating at McDonald until someone in his school told him, that a kid died from eating a hamburger. He is freaked out now and never want to eat there again, which I am very happy about.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have found if I eat 1200 calories of garbage every day for a week, I lose nothing.

    If I eat 1500 calories a week of clean(er) food I lose 1/2 pound.

    IF I add in exercise kick that up to 1 pound.

    :grumble: I am short, old and don't argue with me:angry:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    hpsnickers1, I totally agree. Eating McDonalds Food made me sick. My stomach blew up like a balloon. I don't know what exactly they put in their food, but it shouldn't make people sick. My son liked eating at McDonald until someone in his school told him, that a kid died from eating a hamburger. He is freaked out now and never want to eat there again, which I am very happy about.

    I loved mcfish and cheeseburgers until August of 09. I met my adult kids in NYC for some fun, and then went to PA to visit with my son and fiance'. We all had a great time and I didnt worry about calories for that week (I had lost 36 pounds that year) We had steak subs in Philly and NYC pizza..............mmmmmmmmmm it was good.

    Well I had to drive from PA to MA to stay the rest of the time with my BFF. On the way I grabbed my last bad food, because BFF eats tofu:laugh: ................... I was sick for TWO days! Throwing up, sick sick sad :cry: because that was BFF time. Seems it was not the McDs but the motion sickness from driving 6 hrs alone in the countryside. BUT it cured me of EVER wanting McDs againe:tongue:

    Although I will get a small fry every now and then...........:love:
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    Oh man how I WISH I could do this! And it is correct, weight loss is completely about calorie control and nothing else. HOWEVER I would hate to know what this type of diet does to an athlete.. diarrhea, constipation, destruction of the immune system, unhealthy hair nails and skin, messing up the metabolism, and overall lack of sufficient nutritents. No way people. NO. WAY.

    we used to have a tv series in the uk called diet doctors, that would try and change the diet of someone each week and make it healthier (you know the the type of programme i'm sure), but they would also get a proffessional athlete to live that persons diet for a fortnight including their exercise level, they had one drinking a bottle of wine every night, another eating 2 litres of ice cream a day, 10 cups of coffee a day, etc and it was surprising at the difference it made to the athletes bodies in such a short time and some of the symptoms they had were horrendous. was a good series i hope they do another one
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh man how I WISH I could do this! And it is correct, weight loss is completely about calorie control and nothing else. HOWEVER I would hate to know what this type of diet does to an athlete.. diarrhea, constipation, destruction of the immune system, unhealthy hair nails and skin, messing up the metabolism, and overall lack of sufficient nutritents. No way people. NO. WAY.

    we used to have a tv series in the uk called diet doctors, that would try and change the diet of someone each week and make it healthier (you know the the type of programme i'm sure), but they would also get a proffessional athlete to live that persons diet for a fortnight including their exercise level, they had one drinking a bottle of wine every night, another eating 2 litres of ice cream a day, 10 cups of coffee a day, etc and it was surprising at the difference it made to the athletes bodies in such a short time and some of the symptoms they had were horrendous. was a good series i hope they do another one

    I believe it. My husband ate 1/2 gal of icecream a night. That is 10 servings if your counting. Well, I stopped buying it for him and he was too lazy to go to the store. He lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks:indifferent: and here I sit munching on a celery stick for 1/2 lbs:angry:
  • mrswibbs
    mrswibbs Posts: 31
    sorry this message has been edited, I had a brain fart, SUPERSIZE ME was released several years ago... not a few months ago haha

    "Brain fart" HAHAHA!!! :laugh:
    Love it