Burnt out on logging...

✿KẙMb529✿ Posts: 152
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Ok guys, I have a confession..I'm getting super burnt out on logging calories. I've been at this fairly consistently for about 4 months, I've lost all but 3-5 lbs of my weight (depending on the day) and these past couple weeks have been like torture logging my food. Not because I'm eating bad, just because I think I need a complete break for awhile...Have any of you felt this way on your journey and what did you do to deal with it? I still love this website and all of you and I don't want to get off the site completely....In short, it's not you, it's me =) Any advice will be welcome!


  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    I think I'm right there with you......I've been logging since September, and all of a sudden it's a struggle to keep track. I think it's burn out. I changed from logging as I eat it, to planning the night before....And, still struggling.

    I don't have any suggestions on what to do. Just know that I am feeling the same way.
  • I think I'm right there with you......I've been logging since September, and all of a sudden it's a struggle to keep track. I think it's burn out. I changed from logging as I eat it, to planning the night before....And, still struggling.

    I don't have any suggestions on what to do. Just know that I am feeling the same way.

    I'm glad to know I'm not alone. And it looks like we both have about 5 more lbs to go. I wonder if there's a correlation?
  • I've been having the exact same feelings lately so just know that you're not alone!!
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Ok guys, I have a confession..I'm getting super burnt out on logging calories. I've been at this fairly consistently for about 4 months, I've lost all but 3-5 lbs of my weight (depending on the day) and these past couple weeks have been like torture logging my food. Not because I'm eating bad, just because I think I need a complete break for awhile...Have any of you felt this way on your journey and what did you do to deal with it? I still love this website and all of you and I don't want to get off the site completely....In short, it's not you, it's me =) Any advice will be welcome!

    No you are not alone. We all feel this way from time to time. I havent logged food in a few weeks because of the same feelings, however i do make sure that i log in here just to stay in touch with the community and to remember that i am still committed to this weight loss journey. Take a break, no one said that it cant be done. This is your plan, make it how you want it to be.
  • leb89
    leb89 Posts: 54
    I had to take a break. I actually start back up tomorrow.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    If you have made the lifestyle changes, and have a good eating/exercise routine, there will come a point where you don't need to log your food any longer - if you begin gaining weight again then yes, get back on track that way - otherwise, well done, you succeeded...
  • larisadixon
    larisadixon Posts: 201 Member
    if i were you i would log just breakfast so that you wouldnt lose your days using it because obviously you know how to eat...that way your days stay consequitive on your journey but its not so mind consuming...good luck!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm sure it happens to everyone especially when life becomes hectic and you don't have the time. I have found it better for me to plan my whole week ahead of time (I usually do this on Sat or Sun) which keeps me on track and doesn't require that I remember what I ate (if I stick to it of course:blushing: Of course there are days where things have to be modified but at least I don't have to enter everything every day. I also have the app on my Droid 2 which helps when I'm on the go... which is most days lately:ohwell: . Just like we need a break to give our bodies rest from exercise once in a while we also need to give ourselves a break from tracking everything we eat. You've accomplished a lot in 4 months so treat yourself to a "burnout break" from tracking calories ...I'm sure you will still make healthy choices regardless. Enjoy!:flowerforyou:
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I've been on since March 2010 and haven't burnt out for some reason. Of course dropping 80 lbs in nine months makes it easier. I do stop logging when I go on vacation though. Also, I tend to eat the same foods during the week, so I can just use the recent tab.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I could have written the OP.

    I make most of my food, and it's become so.frelling.laborious to enter every recipe, figure out how many servings, figure out how much I've eaten...


    I took this week off, mostly because I went to Vegas for Spring Break with my hubby and I didn't really eat (but I drank like a fish!) I might just estimate my cals each day to see if I can get over this hump.

    Do what you gotta do...breaks can be good. :heart:
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Its the fat monster trying to drag you back into the cave!!! RUNNNN LOL

    Seriously, on the days that I dont feel like "logging" I just write down what I eat and catch up later. I still track but just dont actually log it on MFP.

    We all have bad days just try to hang in there :-)
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I regularly logged my food for the first 7 months I lost weight... I then felt burnt out too. Didn't want to have to do it every single day for the rest of my life, so I stopped (sort of) I began mentally counting them and only logging in my food diary once every 7-10 days just to confirm I was still okay (and I was) Then that stopped too - and I gained back quite a few pounds. I decided I needed to put forth full effort into logging again and did for about 5 months straight - I hit my goal again, lost 16 pounds!! Then guess what - I cut back to doing it only once a week or so again just to check up on myself and continued to maintain my weight for a few months and again, my logging got less and less and eventually I began gaining some back.

    For me, I know what the calorie counts are in most things, and yes - I am very capable of mentally tallying them and knowing what I should or should not eat as well as when I am doing well and when I am not. However, when I write them down I seem to own them better, and am able to control my weight more. When I am not writing them down I seem to become more lax about my diet as if "nobody will know" - which really doesn't matter because the calories count if I eat them whether anybody knows or not!! LOL

    Anyway, I don't see a reason to count them every day for the rest of your life, but I definitely think they need to be mentally tallied on a daily basis and you should definitely go back to the written diary periodically just to keep track of yourself and be sure you're not allowing yourself too many or miscounting by continually averaging foods low.

    In a nutshell, if you need a break - take it! If you feel yourself burning out (just like an exercise) you should make a change.... Could be that the only change you need is a different way of logging (just like a new exercise), or maybe just a week off will help. You could even try keeping a written diary instead of online for awhile!

    Just my experience and opinion :smile:
  • Thanks everyone! All of you helped me not feel so guilty about wanting/needing a break. I feel positive that I can stay on track without logging eveything (at least for awhile). I will still be working out regularly. I think I'm going to take a break until I feel ready to start logging again. I'll still be around on the message boards though:happy: I appreciate everyone's thoughts and suggestions!
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    I used to log calorie intake by hand four years ago for a year.
    I started counting calories again this winter but I've been doing it through online services like MFP.
    I think it scares me more to think about I might be doing this for the rest of my life, you know?
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    i'm there too! i'm in maintenance and logging has become less and less rewarding. and it started to feel like a diet (as in restricting) for some reason, even though i'm eating more calories now than i was when losing. anyway, i almost felt like i had to keep logging to be here. which is silly i think. feel free to add me as a friend ...and anyone else still logging exercise but not calories. =)
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    This has been me all week. I've been avoiding logging because I felt like I was obsessing. I stayed off the boards and didn't log for two days. This morning I got on the scale and it showed. I'm still annoyed by it today, but I'm going back today.
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