Newbie here


I'm new to MFP and new to trying to lose weight in general.

I'm 5'6" and weigh 150lbs. I have some unsightly belly/butt/thigh/love-handle fat I'd like to rid myself of. I'm looking to lose 20lbs to start. Then, we'll see what I decide from there (I might find I'm perfectly happy at 130!).

I find it difficult to lose weight because I have the double-whammy of being a Type 1 diabetic, so I have to give myself insulin injections - which increases my weight (or at least makes it hard to lose it).

The hardest part for me isn't the calorie counting and sticking to eating healthy, but rather finding the motivation to go workout!


  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Hey welcome ! Yes motivation to work out is kinda tricky but the people here are supportive and encouraging.