Scale-olics anonymous



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm not exactly a scale-olic, but I made a promis to myself that I was going to judge my weight in INCHES and not lbs. Knowing that the changing muscle fat ratio in my body will give me distressing and unreal scale expectations, and ultimately I will be let down.

    That being said, I still can't help myself form hopping on from time to time (I try to limit myself to no more than every 3 days.) I wish they had an inches ticker, instead of the wt. ticker.

    Check and see if they have one for inches. That would be a good idea. I am noticing a change in appearance too. And not so much with the scale lately.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    GUILTY. It is feast or famine with me. Either I am on every day, or I am not on at all. If I am not on at all, I am not doing well. But it is so easy to become discouraged when you are on every day. Glad I am not alone!
  • elizabethx
    I am guilty of this - I have my scale next to my bed and i weigh myself up to 4 times per day... My morning weight is what i use as my accurate reading though, but i stand on it over and over in the morning like 5 times to make sure it tells me the right number... And if it's a bad number I feel crap for the whole day...
    I also think it helps keep me motivated though...I am worried if i stop worrying about the scale and stop weighing that i might slack off...
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I haven't stepped on the scale since Monday evening. I am freaking out, but trying to not give into the temptation. Tomorrow is my weigh in day. This is impressive for me. haha
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I haven't stepped on the scale since Monday evening. I am freaking out, but trying to not give into the temptation. Tomorrow is my weigh in day. This is impressive for me. haha

    good for you. did you have a good weigh in?