Which diet do you follow?



  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I'm kinda on the "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads" diet. I checked the book out at my community library and love it! It talks about what A LOT of women do to sabotage their metabolism. It also has 21 days of meal plans and an additional slew of yummy recipes! There are even a few meals that can be used when making choices eating out. Basically, each meal is about 300-400 calories including an afternoon snack. Each meal or snack also includes a balance of protein, carbs, and fat.
    I don't have a bunch of weight to loose but in 86 days I've lost 10 pounds, several inches and toned up; I'm also doing the P90X exercise plan.
    Good luck to you!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    i truely feel this is a personal"i know what makes my body tick" thing. I have done every diet known to man and will lose weight and then it rejoins me and brings friends. i am now just logging every bite/drink that goes in my mouth and making sure i stay under all of my projected calories-fat-cholesterol and etc. I am taking it off slowly now and it will stay off because i have changed my whole outlook on food and excercise and make decisions that are good and rethink the ones that are not so good[before i eat or drink]. I may not be a tri-athlete but try to move my big but around a minimum of 4 days a week. this is 4 days more that i did previously. i hope you find what works for you....the mere fact you have made this step.....shows you are off in the right direction.

    Well said. I think the "I know what makes my body tick" diet is the best one. You need to make sure you are exercising and eating healthy. The eating "healthy" is very different for each person. It could mean cutting out soda, sugar, fast food, etc. It can also mean eating a balance of vegetables or eating a balance of foods from every food group. What's really worked for me was to log EVERYTHING I eat or drink in my food diary, exercise and try new foods/recipes/exercises.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm just counting cals and trying to have a good balance of protein, carbs and fats.

    I've cut out take outs and processed food so cook fresh every day.

    I tend not to eat too many white carbs, but kinda make up for it in sugar! So not that good in that respect, but if I go too low on carbs I just feel awful - tired, irritable, depressed! Sugar tends to cheer me up, but still I dont usually go over 130g per day.

    I have also just completed week 2 of P90X which is working out 6x per week. Hope to see some serious results by week 5, so I'm told.......haha! I find I'm eating back more of my exercise cals now as the workouts are intense and I feel hungry!

    Good luck with whatever you do. Just remember, what works for one, won't work for another :flowerforyou:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im just trying to stay within my calories on here, and get some exercise in.
    I also try and make sure i get over my quota of protein and fibre

    Apart from that, my diet is totally relaxed and i havent cut out any foods at all. I do a lot of portion control though. If you look at my diary it looks like i eat absolutely tonnes, Its nearly embarrassing, but im nearly always under my cals, or at my quota.
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    I do "Am I Hungry" which is a plan based on changing unhealthy/unproductive thoughts about eating, nutrition and exercise. Changing your thoughts helps you change your habits with gives a positive result. I spend a lot of time figuring out why I want to eat when I am not hungry and then taking care of the true need instead of just eating.

    I don't count calories, I exercise for fun. I will log my food here but it is more of a curiosity than anything else. I don't worry about whether I am under or over my calorie goal and I never let the amount of calories or fat something contains make my decision for me as to whether or not I'm going to eat it.

    I use three tools for nutrition and I believe it is all i need to know.
    What do I have?
    What do I want?
    What do I need?

    Losing weight has never been easier, though it wasn't as easy in the beginning when I had a lot more unhealthy habits and thoughts to over come.

    Good luck!
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I removed most processed food (anything with white flour or sugar or that comes from a box) from my diet.
    I try to eat mostly whole foods with protein at each meal.
    I average 5-7 servings of fruit and veggies a day.
    I eat real fat ... butter, avocado, olive oil, flaxseed, nuts and natural nut butters.
    I don't eat too many grains or bread only because I binge on them and feel better if I don't eat too many. I do eat oatmeal and Orowheat's 100% whole wheat sandwich thins.

    I also limit my red meat intake and eat mostly fish, turkey, and chicken...but I do LOVE a rare steak once in a great while. And I have also limited my Diet Coke intake to one can a day and am hoping to eliminate it alltogether eventually.

    I stay with in my calorie guide, but also eat most of my exercise calories back, depending on my hunger that day.

    I feel SO MUCH better than I did previously (sugar addict) and I don't crave all the sweets I used to eat. I think the increase in healthy proteins has helped combat that. :)

    ETA: I also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day; usually more. I aim for at least 100 oz/day.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member

    This equation only works until you get to a low enough weight where you are eating less than 1200 calories. If you are only supposed to eat 1200 calories and you exercise, then don't eat those exercise calories back you will be taking in a net of less than 1200. Which will result in starvation mode.

    when I get to that point it will be a moment I will cherish forever

  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I removed most processed food (anything with white flour or sugar or that comes from a box) from my diet.
    I try to eat mostly whole foods with protein at each meal.
    I average 5-7 servings of fruit and veggies a day.
    I eat real fat ... butter, avocado, olive oil, flaxseed, nuts and natural nut butters.
    I don't eat too many grains or bread only because I binge on them and feel better if I don't eat too many. I do eat oatmeal and Orowheat's 100% whole wheat sandwich thins.

    I also limit my red meat intake and eat mostly fish, turkey, and chicken...but I do LOVE a rare steak once in a great while. And I have also limited my Diet Coke intake to one can a day and am hoping to eliminate it alltogether eventually.

    I stay with in my calorie guide, but also eat most of my exercise calories back, depending on my hunger that day.

    I feel SO MUCH better than I did previously (sugar addict) and I don't crave all the sweets I used to eat. I think the increase in healthy proteins has helped combat that. :)

    ETA: I also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day; usually more. I aim for at least 100 oz/day.

    Hey! :happy: ... it's a great eating plan, isn't it?
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    starvation mode doesnt actually stop you losing weight though. Its also different for everyone Its based on an average figure. 1200 cals is not a magic number. A 5ft 1 shortie who is eating little and often nutritious food, and eats 1100 calories in a day, isnt going to go into starvation mode, yet a six footer might go into starvation mode on a lot more.
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    I keep reading about P90x..what is it? Thanks!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I keep reading about P90x..what is it? Thanks!

    It's an extremely intense exercise program...and I love it, I'm about to finish with my first round! You can go here to find out more:
  • aimdawson
    aimdawson Posts: 31
    It's called eat less, move more! Simple as that! :bigsmile:

    Well, not always simple to follow but simple in theory!

    So True.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I removed most processed food (anything with white flour or sugar or that comes from a box) from my diet.
    I try to eat mostly whole foods with protein at each meal.
    I average 5-7 servings of fruit and veggies a day.
    I eat real fat ... butter, avocado, olive oil, flaxseed, nuts and natural nut butters.
    I don't eat too many grains or bread only because I binge on them and feel better if I don't eat too many. I do eat oatmeal and Orowheat's 100% whole wheat sandwich thins.

    I also limit my red meat intake and eat mostly fish, turkey, and chicken...but I do LOVE a rare steak once in a great while. And I have also limited my Diet Coke intake to one can a day and am hoping to eliminate it alltogether eventually.

    I stay with in my calorie guide, but also eat most of my exercise calories back, depending on my hunger that day.

    I feel SO MUCH better than I did previously (sugar addict) and I don't crave all the sweets I used to eat. I think the increase in healthy proteins has helped combat that. :)

    ETA: I also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day; usually more. I aim for at least 100 oz/day.

    Hey! :happy: ... it's a great eating plan, isn't it?

    Yes; it is! LOL And you wrote it so eloquently that I just copied, pasted, and added my own tweaks! All this "genetically modified" food freaks me out a little bit...I am trying to eat food in it's natural state, rather than opt for more processed.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I don't follow a "diet" per say, I eat clean whole foods, and watch that my net calorie intake stays above 1200....I workout 6-7 times a week, avoid alcohol, sugar, processed foods and keep each meal balanced with proteins, carbs and fat that suits my weight and lifestyle. This is a lifestyle for me......once my excess "fat" is gone.......I will alter my intake to reflect my new weight...and allow a weekly treat...my weight gain was from having a baby (my 3rd) and a herniated disc prevented me from getting it off as quickly as I would have before...I am eating the way I did before the baby with an extra "kick"..
    I make sure I eat 6 small meals a day, and drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day.

    Each approach is different for everyone, we each have different factors, ie... chemistry, weight, current conditions and medications that all influence what foods work best...you will find urs......keep up the good work and good luck!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I don't follow anything specific. I just try to eat healthy as much as I can. And when I do eat less healthy items, I just limit my amounts. I like to keep a good base of fruits, veggies & lean meats. But I won't hesitate to have a small bowl of ice cream or some chocolate when I want.
    I should also note that I do a lot of running, so I can eat a bit more to support that. (but I still try and make it all healthier choices.)
  • circles000
    im watching the calories and exercising more, simple maths really, i never understand this eating back calories tho ( just me) as why exercise so hard to eat them again, if i ate back all my cals some days i would be eating 3000+ cals !!

    eat less + exercise more = weight loss

    eat less + exercise more = weight loss

    This equation only works until you get to a low enough weight where you are eating less than 1200 calories. If you are only supposed to eat 1200 calories and you exercise, then don't eat those exercise calories back you will be taking in a net of less than 1200. Which will result in starvation mode.

    I'm currently supposed to be eating 1200 calories a day which the site makes more when I exercise. Do you mean I should or shouldn't be eating back my exercise calories?

    BTW, I don't do any 'diet', I just eat properly and exercise (or try to anyway:wink: )
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I don't really follow a "diet" but taken on a pescatarian point of view excluding all red meat, pork, and poultry. At home, I don't but white sugar, rice, flour... etc. I think it also helps that I'm lactose intolerant (still eat cheese though).

    Add bicycling as a popular form of transportation.

  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I just watch my calories, try to make healthier choices (although I fail quite a bit). I am just now trying to cut out bread and pasta as much as possible. Allowing myself 1 small serving per day.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I'm on the 'JOY' diet. As in, good quality food that tastes good will give me joy. Eat a bit less of it and move a lot more and I will lose weight. simples.

    I recently did a short course on nutrition in traditional chinese medicine. One of the things that stuck in my mind was about treating the digestive system and the mind as a whole. If we approach foods as 'BAD' then we will feel guilty and our stomach will tie up in knots about whether we should eat it or not. (bear with me).

    If our digestive system can't digest properly, then we won't process efficiently and be unhealthy. By approaching foods with joy, eating natural foods, in season and according to our situation, we will be healthier. No food is 'bad' per se (apart from the created stuff from the food manufacturers which I don't class as food anyway), it's all good depending on how we approach it.