Depressed, don't feel like eating.

I'm super depressed about something personal that happened recently, and I feel sick to my stomach when I even think about eating. I keep trying to think of something light I could eat, but as soon as I put it near my mouth my stomach starts turning. I've been doing good with my diet up until the past 24hrs. I don't want to sabotage what hard work and effort I already put forth to get to my present weight.


  • battistereader
    I am right there with you! I have been exercising the last month since something traumatizing that has happened to me. However, it hasn't been to the level of intensity as it has been.

    What do you suggest we do?

    I'm right there with you!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    what light foods are you eating?

    I know exactly how you feel but the best thing I can tell you is to just take it one day at a time. Start with non acidic fruits and then some bread... just start it slowly and you body will thank you for it.

    Good luck
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    So sorry you are going through a hard time right now. Just take your time to heal yourself. It is true that time heals all wounds, get some rest and things will look better tomorrow. Do something that is just for you...go get a pedicure, take a walk, write ina journal but take time to work through your feelings.
  • annadupree
    Try some Fiber One cereal. Don't think of it as food, think of it as something that will clean you out. Just eat it dry.
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    Really sorry to hear you're struggling with something so bad you can't eat. You're body will let you know when it's ready for food. I'll pray for you. Hope you feel better soon!!
  • lb4lb
    lb4lb Posts: 26 Member
    Think about all the postive things in your life and add prayer
  • floydg68
    floydg68 Posts: 28
    Hmmm....sorry to hear about your trouble. Maybe you can just try to eat one saltine, if you have them, then see what happens. What's happening with your stomach may be exacerbated by your emotional state but stomachs mostly just want food. Also, if you can please get some sleep. No food and no sleep is a slippery slope. I hope somehow you can find some peace in the midst of whatever it is your going through. Take care.
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    Please dont make yourself feel worse over food, just eat if you can and try and keep to the healty choices and as said before take it one step at a time :) I aslo suffer with depression over the years so am here to suport you if you need it xXx
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    I can drink with no problem....could I drink like a super food smoothie and that be enough to fuel my body?
  • keybelle
    keybelle Posts: 15
    I've been there as well. I can go either direction, eating all the wrong foods (chocolate!!) or not able to eat. What I would say is get some of those energy or zone bars just to keep your health up and take a multivitamin every day. You don't want to put yourself in starvation mode and get stuck, not to mention being more prone to illness. Walking and exercise can help take your mind off of your problem. One thing I often remind myself of, is that self-pity is a luxury I can ill afford. The consequences can be devastating.

    My best wishes for your good health and remember, this too shall pass.

    I just noticed you were having problems with solid food. There are several good meal replacement energy drinks out there. Adkins shakes are great, especially the mocha one.
  • jenhasit
    jenhasit Posts: 83 Member
    I definitely hear you. I'm in a similar situation where I don't eat because I know I won't hold it down. We're not helping ourselves, though.

    Try a protein bar, or fruit. See it that it is the "gas" to keep your body going. You can go back to eating meals when you feel better -- just get enough "fuel" to give your body the energy it needs to start healing.

    We can do this. It's not easy, but it's a matter of convincing your brain to win.
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Im so sorry to hear that, just exercise to get your mind off of it and if u still cant eat drink your calories. I love shakeology, its not full if chemicals like a lot of stuff out there and is full of nutrients. Give yourself some time to heal but staying busy really does help get your mind off of stress:)
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    I can drink with no problem....could I drink like a super food smoothie and that be enough to fuel my body?

    That sounds like a great idea! You can add some protein powder to it as well! Not eating will only make you feel even worse in the end. If you're able to get out and go for a walk, that will likely do wonders for your mood as well!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Well, my lil brother called and invited me over for boiled crawfish, potatoes, and sausage......I couldn't pass, so I managed to eat all but 47 calories of my 1200.....We will see what tomorrow brings, hopefully after tonight I got my appetite back....and thanks for the prayers and advice.