Back from cruise & hating life

I made it back from a glorious 7 day cruise with my wonderful husband and BOY oh Boy did I enjoy our honeymoon

I GAINED 8 pounds and hate this feeling of dread! I knew there was going to be a bit of a gain ... but I tried to eat sensible I had the "spa" food when I knew I was going to indulge in treats .. but the drinking seems to have been where I forgot to account for.

Now I KNOW tomorrow is going to be the challange - I mean there is no reason to diet again today but the gym seems to be calling me and so does a sensible dinner.

A couple of challanges I already know I'm facing - in 2 weeks we are going to Vegas for a 3 day FUN weekend .... and then 2 weeks later my husband is going on a 7 day "business / training trip" and I'm havign HUGE issues with him in DC while I'm in san Diego (even though I was invited I know i'm not suppose to go) ... LOTS of hidden demons and they all seem to be hurting me today ... just lonely when I shouldn't be .,. and now to be out of the 100's aqnd BACK in the 200 zone - didnt help at all

I'm sorry if this is all over the place - just sort of started to write and oops it all came out ... thanks for listening


  • Trenirka
    Trenirka Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so sorry. I know cruises are a pain for maintaining calorie goals. I haven't met anyone that was strong enough and didn't gain at least 5 pounds.

    We all have days like these, but they pass.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    It is mainly is alot of water retention fromt the alcohol and salty food on the cruise.

    If you feel like working out today, then go for it. Just continue working out and eating right, and drink tons of water to flush out your system, and in a week or two, you should be fine.

    Glad you had a great trip, and dont stress too much over it, you had fun with your hubby and that's great.

  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Going and having fun is exactly what you were supposed to do. You were planning on coming back and resuming you're routine of logging and excercising right? So just do that and everything will fall into place. Don't worry about the numbers on the scale. You had a good time... Don't ruin it by feeling guilty about it now. I'm sure those 8 pounds will come off fast!
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    .,. and now to be out of the 100's aqnd BACK in the 200 zone - didnt help at all

    I'm sorry if this is all over the place - just sort of started to write and oops it all came out ... thanks for listening

    I am also struggling with this. I'm at 194 this week... was at 193 last week... I've been 192, 196, and 195 all in the last 3 weeks and I know how easily it would be to end up back in the 200's. Someone once told me that once you pass the 200 mark you never go back... proving them wrong is what keeps me going!