Introduction- It's about time

I think my story is pretty much like everyones. In high school I was an athlete and all though out my life I never had weight issues. It was until I stopped sports and had 2 daughters between the ages 25-27 did I begin to have trouble with my weight. My average weight since is 180 lbs and I haven't been able to lose it yet and that was 9 years ago. Well here I am with a goal to stop letting food and laziness enslave me so I can return to a healthy weight. My goal is 30 lbs and so far everything is going good.
I am a certified personal trainer and I was able to get my certified before I reached my goal weight. So I want to be an example to those I will personal train and get back to my once active self.
Good luck and God bless to everyone. I will be praying for you all.


  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Welcome! I wish you all the best in your journey, this site is amazing and the people are fantastic ;)
    Definitely add me as a friend if you are looking for support! Congrats on joining! :flowerforyou: