Breaking the habits !!

For those of you that have broke your bad habits and lost weight successfully, how did you do it ?


  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    didn't break them.... just changed them. I still eat chocolate... just got smart about it :blushing:
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    didn't break them.... just changed them. I still eat chocolate... just got smart about it :blushing:
  • EllyK09
    EllyK09 Posts: 75
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I'm still in the middle of losing but I've already picked up some good habits that are really helping me to succeed.

    1. Planning and preparing my meals ahead of time. I log my food the night before or the morning of, depending on what shift I'm working. I make up my lunches and snacks that I bring to work the night before or morning of. When I get home from work there isn't any mystery as to what I'm going to eat as I have it all planned out.

    2. I don't keep any junk in the house. This way there is nothing calling my name to tempt me. I have one thing that is healthy that I'm learning has to go too ... peanut butter!

    3. Any eating over of calories has to be done only at home with foods I have on hand and since there is NO junk in the house even my binges are pretty healthy nutrition wise.

    4. I got rid of most processed foods and pretty much eat everything fresh with a couple of exceptions. I keep my meals simple too as I find too many ingredients in a dish gets my mouth too excited and I want to eat more for the taste sensation rather than hunger.

    5. The most important habit I'm picking up is having patience to see solid, lasting results. Impatience has ruined every single attempt at fat loss in the past and I will not let that hinder me this time.

    Good Luck with your fat loss!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member

    2. I don't keep any junk in the house. This way there is nothing calling my name to tempt me. I have one thing that is healthy that I'm learning has to go too ... peanut butter!

    You should try a product called PB2 made by a company called Bell Plantation. It is a powdered peanut butter - made from real pb but with all the oil squished out. You reconstitute it with water - it tastes like peanut butter but has WAY less fat and calories. Good source of fiber too!

    Sorry if I got off track from the thread title!

    Just to contribute - I made little small changes at a time and I do lots of research constantly to keep me motivated and to be educated about what I put in my body, what I do with my body and how it affects me - whether that be positively or negatively or long-term. :)
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Here are some of my habits
    1 - Alcohol - either limit it or eliminate it completely. I've had one day since February 1st where I had a few beers. Don't get me wrong here, I think many people like alcohol and can include it in their diet. I just decided I'd rather eat my calories than drink them.
    2 - Make a date with yourself for exercise, and don't stand yourself up.
    3 - Katchi's list is really good. I also try to plan my meals, somewhat successful, but not always as I do have a pretty active social life and get out with friends for dinner, When that happens, I've learned to go for soup, salad or grilled fish / meat.

    Good Luck. I'm also interested in other successful habits.