Twenty "Pound" Somethings Week 2



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Happy Thursday! Checking in!:bigsmile: Last night was okay, but as I posted...went to bed with almost 400 calories remaining! Oooops!:noway: Oh well...just one day.

    Todays meal plan:

    Homemade Yogurt & Fruit Parfait--AE Yo Lite Yogurt (Strawberry Cheesecake flavor...yum), 3/4 c. Whole Grain Total, 1 c. quartered strawberries, 1/2 c. red raspberries. 8 oz. Diet Cran-grape juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. Sugar free Vanilla Caramel creamer, 1 Soft-baked Kashi TLC Blackberry Graham bar.

    Turkey & Cheese Sandwich--2 sl. Village Hearth Wheat bread, 3 sl. Turkey lunch meat, 1 sl. American Free Singles, 1 tsp. Mustard. 2% Milk String Cheese, 1 dt. Coke, 14 baby carrots, 1 c. sliced cucumber.

    Afternoon snack:
    1 med. apple, 2 Multigrain Cinnamon roll rice cakes, Nature Valley Pecan Crunch granola bar.

    HomeMade Spinach Chicken Parmeasan (recipe from MFP), 1/2 c. Brown rice, HomeMade basic salad with spritzer dressing.

    PM Snack:
    TBA depending on calories remaining.

    Exercise plan--45 min. Step class and 15 min. Ab workout. Plus Week 1 Day 2 of 100 Push Up Challenge.

    WE CAN DO THIS GUYS!!!!!:drinker: Have a FABULOUS Thursday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    good morning everyone. sorry didnt check in yesterday had a busy day. i did go to lunch with my boss at long horn had a steak salad yummy!! he gave me a promotion and a raise yay!!!!!!!! it was the best lunch i had in a while in many ways!!! so now im feeling a little better about life and etc. im even more motivated to get these last 20lbs OFF!!!!

    breakfast-3 cups coffee sugar free hazelney and splenda 90 cal
    tlc breakfast bar 110cal
    cantalope 110cal

    lunch lean cuisine 290cal
    bannana 100cal

    dinner grilled pork and fresh veggies

    snack ???

    exercise 45min treadmill 20 min weights (arms)

    hope everyone has a good thursday!!!
  • JayEm47
    JayEm47 Posts: 49
    good morning everyone! just doing my check in for today.

    first off yesterday was...well...awful. thats all i can really say lol. but today is a new day and im back on track and im going to try my hardest not to let yesterday ever happen again :tongue:

    so i woke up this morning and ran 2 miles (20 min.)
    just made myself a berry smoothie (5 strawberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, 3/4 cup dannon light n fit vanilla fat free yogurt, 1/4 cup fat free soy milk)

    my plan for my meals for today:
    after working out- protien shake (one scoop whey protein and water)
    lunch- egg white omelette (1/4 cup egg whites, tomato, pepper, onion)
    dinner- ??

    the biggest loser cardio max workout level 1 (20 min)
    pilates abs workout (20 min)
    day one of the pushup challenge

    im also going to be visiting my house at my college today with one of my roommates. its about a 2 hour drive..ughhh not looking forward to it. but my friend has to go to a meeting at the school while we are there so i think im gonna try to go for a run or something while he is gone to give myself something to do. im assuming he is gonna want to go out to dinner afterwards. thats why my dinner isnt planned. im hoping i can convince him to go to the saladworks so i can make my own salad and keep it really healthy :happy:

    hope everyone else has a great day!!!!! :smile:
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    Good Morning To All,

    I feel so much better. I was actually able to eat scrambled eggs!!! I had my cup of coffee. It is going to be a good day.

    Snack: I think I am going to stick with yogart
    Lunch: Not sure...Probably Tomota soup and half a grilled cheese (whole greain bread and fat free cheese)
    Snack: Ummm sugar free pudding or yogart.
    Dinner: Brown Whole grain rice with Black beans OMG... so good. I add the cubes of chipolte seasoning (Knorr brand) to the rice and let it cook. Then I cook the Black beans and mix them together. Should be mushy enough :happy:

    Going to try and walk 30 min. I actually feel up to it:smile:

    Keep up the Great work everyone.

    OH..... Started at 220lbs three weeks ago and I am now at 217!!!! I am reaching to be under 200lbs in 13 weeks... just one pound will do.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Aw man, poor you! Wisdom teeth can be a huge pain. I was on a liquid diet for a week after mine... Glad you could eat some real food!!

    Well I'm off to the farmer's market - lots of yummy fresh produce awaits! :bigsmile:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Gang! here it goes...I'm going to start listing all my meals like you guys!!

    Breakfast-English muffin with some organic peanut butter
    Lunch-Egg Whites w/ broccoli
    Dinner-Broccoli w/ shrimp ? Haven't decided yet hehe
    Snacks will be something like an orange, apple, and some Kashi puffed cereal with trim soy milk...

    I'm going on a Critical Mass bike ride tomorrow night! I've only been biking for a week & I'm nervous about my skill level :ohwell: I think I also have repressed childhood anxieties of doing group physical activities where I was always the obese girl....I hope it goes okay! My boyfriend will be there with me & hopefully he won't let them make fun of me haha.

    Good luck today!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options ended up having some oatmeal and Sugar Free Hot Cocoa this afternoon also as a snack. Was feeling extra hungry for some reason, and know I'll still have extra calories this evening. SO...not worried about it. The rest is going as planned. Heading to the gym in a bit for Step and Abs.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    No weight loss for me, still averaging the same. Hopefuly I can knock 20 pounds off. I would be totally stoked. hey maybe with the wii fit that will happen twice as fast? Being that my body can keep up with it? lol
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ugh... I feel so crumby. I made a not-so-great choice with my menu today and started out with a less wholesome, less filling cereal breakfast (rather than my superhero oatmeal I usually eat) and we had a ton of running around to do. I wasn't prepared and ended up having (way too much) bread and some green beans for lunch which of course left me a) totally bloated-feeling and lethargic, b) totally hungry within a couple of hours since there was scarcely any protein in my day, and c) WAAAY over my sodium for the day. Now I've got that hungry / bloated feeling - YUCK! - and my cals are totally blown for the day.

    I did the 30-day shred DVD this afternoon so that's *something* but boy tomorrow is going to be a better day!! The menu flub sort of blind-sided me due to circumstance but I definitely could have had better control :embarassed: I guess I'll chalk this up as my day for going over calories for the week (although I sure would have liked to do it with higher quality calories!) but I do take heart in the fact that I'm uncomfortable and unhappy about it rather than mad at myself and unhappy about it.

    How is everyone else's day??

    Supper tonight was brown rice with slivered almonds and fresh cherries mixed in (YUM!!!), baby petit pan squash quickly pan-seared and served with lemon juice and a TEENSY bit of light feta, and baked sockeye salmon filets. The sad thing is that I had been planning on organizing my day to accommodate a higher-calorie-than-usual supper. On with tomorrow. :tongue:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just have to post...was just icing a cake and probably ate oh...I'd say about 100 calories worth of frosting...yuck! :sick: My tummy aches even thinking about it...but, a lick here...a lick there...YUCK!!!! Oh well...still should be okay calorie wise.

    Am going to get a "real" laxative tonight to take care of my other problem...this extra weight NEEDS to go!!! SO...maybe scale will actually go down a little more by next week. And I won't feel so miserable! We will see!

    Anyways...I wish you all luck! Tomorrow is going to be my hard and probably over calorie limit day... but I'll check back in the morning!!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302

    Am going to get a "real" laxative tonight to take care of my other problem...this extra weight NEEDS to go!!! SO...maybe scale will actually go down a little more by next week. And I won't feel so miserable!

    Well I was feeling like that for about 2-3 days and I ate grapefruit 3x yesterday- del monte sunfresh red grapefruit in the glass jar- ate some with breakfast 1 cup, lunch 1/2 cup and dinner 1 cup and I was starting to get relief last night before bed..and then this morning I was fully relieved!! So that is going to be my magic trick! Could be worth a try?? Plus it is a fruit and is good for u :) Hope things work out for you and you feel better soon!!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    finally found it.. SHEESH.. talk about searching and searching on tuesday....:P but im here... not doing so well these last two days.. Life is pretty stressful... either not eating enongh or eating wrong.. I did however eat at red lobster last night put my food in before i left and ate only half what i entered.. SO i am happy abou that.. I cant eat sea food so I ate chicken rice and brocc.. ceasar salad and 2 biscuits... It was really good... hte only thing I forgot was I LOVE there rasp lemonade and had to log that when i got home.. but Besides that I did ok yesterday.. today well.. very long day and i cried most of it... but its all better now.... tomorrow is anew day I am going to kid rock (Not drinking so I should be good) plus all hte walkin up and down hills there.. so ITS all good..... Well see what happens when i weigh in next tues.... :bigsmile:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    So today I had a fabulous day after yesterdays ickyness HA! I walked twice and my meals were: protein bar and grapefruit for bfast; mixed fruit and 1/2 pkg of ramen noodles with no spice pack; snack small low sodium v8 and some mixed nuts -the kind approved for south beach diets- and dinner was a small 3 oz piece of ckn, and about 1/2 cup of steamed broccoli- it may have been closer to 3/4 cup....sooo I feel so much better today!! I think I am retaining some water though, as I started the monthly today!! SO I am vowing not to weigh myself again til it is over!! I also put on a pair of capris that were tight on me a few weeks ago..and today they fit!! Im so happy! I start fall semester again in mid August and will be in an aerobics class 2x/wk as a PE credit and will do weights 3x/wk along with another day of cardio-proly treadmill/elliptical mix. Sooo I am hoping to ward off any plateau!! :) Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So, we're busy tomorrow morning so I'm posting my meals now! I wanted to plan out my day in advance so I can have a super-perfect day and have all of my categories balanced. I went way over on sodium today so I need to really take care.

    Breakfast: organic flax blueberry oatmeal w/ natural peanut butter & a small bowl of cherries

    snack: cilantro hummus w/ green beans & cherry tomatoes to dip, 2 c air popped popcorn, .5 cup blueberries

    lunch: chocolate protein shake w/ 1.5 tsp natural PB, patty pan squash w/ light feta.

    supper: vegetable stir fry (carrots, red pepper, patty pan squash, green beans, broccoli, onions, garlic, ginger, hemp hearts served over 1/2 cup brown basmati rice with 1 tbsp cilantro hummus mixed in.

    Depending on exercise I'll have to add a couple of snacks but I am only going to do the NYC ballet work out tomorrow along with a little extra walking so hopefully it won't be too many calories worth. I may add an avocado or something.

    I did a 561 cal walk/run this evening to compensate for my less than perfect day today. I'm still over on calories but I'm going to be an angel tomorrow!! :blushing:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday friends! I would like to start by saying that I feel a BILLION times better! Good old every time! :laugh: :blushing: :laugh: So...onto new things. Ummm today is gonna be my bad day...I'll go over my calories for sure. Tonight is a surprise 21st for one of my bffs! SO we are grilling (this won't be bad) but we have a party bus for the night taking us to the bars. AND since I'm kinda helping throw the thing, I have to stay the whole time. And I'm sorry...but I can't say no to doing shots with my best friend for her (FINALLY) 21st! So...I'm going to try and drink lots of water throughout the day AND night. Here's what I know for the meal plan for today:

    1 c. multigrain cheerios with 1/2 c. milk, 1 med. banana, and 1/2 c. raspberries, 8 oz. diet cran-grape juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee with 2 tbsp. sugar free vanilla caramel creamer, 1 Soft-baked Kashi TLC Blackberry graham bar.

    Tuna Salad Sandwich (2 sl. village hearth bread, 1 single can tuna in water, 2 tbsp. Reduced fat Hellmans mayo, 1 sl. American Kraft Free), 14 baby carrots, dt. coke, AE YoLite yogurt.

    Afternoon Snack:
    1 c. grapes, 1 100 cal. pack of almonds.

    Depends what they have to grill...I think he said chicken or maybe burgers. If burgers I won't have a bun. And for sides, I'll just have a little of whatever there is.

    Worst part about today is that I won't have time for a workout! ARGH! And since I'll be up so late, I probably won't make it to my early morning spin tomorrow. BUT I am planning on hitting the gym up later in the morning and doing some serious running! SO---please wish me luck! I can do this!!!! Plus we will be that burns SOME calories!!!!:wink:

    I wish you all luck! Have a FABULOUS Friday and I'll probably check back later, but if not, tomorrow!!!
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    Ok.. Today is a better day. I ate yesterday but of course I am not getting in my calories at all because of the surgery.

    I did manage to eat some grilled peppers cut into small peices.

    I have already had a slim fast so I could take my medicine.

    Snack: I am going to try to eat some string cheese
    Lunch: I may try some tuna.

    Hope everyone has a great day. :smile:

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just got done with the doc. He RELEASED me. :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh: :happy: i can't tell you how happy this makes me. i have been on bed, chair, whatever do nothing for the last 12 weeks. now he says i can return to live. treadmill here i come on tuesday. having company for the weekend and it's in the guest room. gives me time to redo my calories in/out and set up my plan.
    ttyl, chipper
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    just got done with the doc. He RELEASED me. :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh: :happy: i can't tell you how happy this makes me. i have been on bed, chair, whatever do nothing for the last 12 weeks. now he says i can return to live. treadmill here i come on tuesday. having company for the weekend and it's in the guest room. gives me time to redo my calories in/out and set up my plan.
    ttyl, chipper

    Yay! You can do it girl!!!!!:drinker:
  • JayEm47
    JayEm47 Posts: 49
    one packet plain oatmeal w/ 1/3 cup blueberries
    peakbar organic blueberry muffin bar
    egg white omelette (1/2 cup egg whites, tomatoes, peppers, and onions)

    i dont know what im going to do for food for the rest of the day. im really low on calories but i have to shower then im going to the movies (to see dark knight FINALLY) and then going right to work from 6-10 (where i can't eat) then i dont really like to eat after work cuz its so late. i think i might bring a 100 cal pack of almonds and a banana with me to eat on my way to work after the movie.

    played dance dance revolution on workout mode for 30 min.
    walked on treadmill for 30 min (4 mph)
    pilates ab workout (20 min)

    good luck to everyone else on having a successful day!!! :happy:
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    hey everyone HAppy Friday!!

    chipper glad to hear you are released. enjoy your company this weekend

    kristin you have a good time tonight!!!!

    friday breakfast tlc breakfast bar, a bannana and coffee 300cal
    lunch lean cuisine and a pudding 300cal
    green tea

    snack fiber one caramel 130cal
    3 bottles of water

    dinner???? dont cook on fridays maybe a salad somewhere

    exercise LAUNDRY BLAHHHHHH........ sheets and towels for my villas tommorow

    have a good day!!