Small, petty rant

Levedi Posts: 290 Member
I like to hike in the local national park. I don't mind at all that other people walk their dogs there. I like dogs - really. Some of the nicest people I know are dogs.

What irks me are dog owners who feel the need to stop me on my hike and inform me that their pet is better than mine. Just because I have a cat back home does not give you the right to stop me as I'm hiking by and inform me that cats make worse pets than dogs do. This happens every single time I go hiking!

I don't insult your dogs. Don't insult my cats. And for heaven's sake, carry a poo bag. I don't let my cat crap in your yard, why do you let your dog crap on my national park? Get off your high horse and pick up your dog's poo, people!


  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    … w … t…. f….?
  • SeaShell33
    SeaShell33 Posts: 141
    lmao! has happened to me too. And I have both =)
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    what? wait, how do they know you have cats???
  • nurse_chris
    nurse_chris Posts: 189
    how do they know you have a cat back at home?
  • alexis92
    alexis92 Posts: 64
    I love my cats!!! Dogs are great too, but I don't like it either when self-addressed "Dog People" hate on cats :(
  • autumnbreeze89
    lol too funny.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    People randomly stop you, mid-hike to tell you that dogs are better than cats? That's bizarre. Do you wear a "Cats Are the MOST Awesome Pets" t-shirt or something?
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I don't have pets, my choice (plus allergies), but I swear when I jog EVERY time I have to jump over some dog crap on the sidewalk I want to scream!!!! I like dogs and cats fine, I just don't want any! Please clean up, I mean I clean up after my kids... it's just rude not to!!!!
  • color_me_skinny
    what? wait, how do they know you have cats???
    so random people just stop you, "know" that you have cats...and proceed to tell you "dogs rule, and cats drool"?

    alrighty then!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Um... how exactly do they know you have a cat at home???

    lol in a way but I feel your pain. I personally don't care for dogs and do have a cat at home. I'd walk her too if I thought she'd stay on the leash. She used to follow us when she was an outdoor cat but around here it wouldn't be safe to let her run free.

    Where ever I go I find people walking theirs (or being walked by theirs) on leashes about 30 feet long. Just because your dog is friendly and doesn't bite doesn't mean I want it near me. Aside from allergies and fears (some have been bitten in the past and are still afraid of dogs) there are some religions that believe if touched by a dog they are unclean and cannot pray in those clothes until washed. That can be a real problem if one is out traveling and your dog jumps up on them.

    I also find that people in our own neighborhood don't pickup after their animals even though it's a stipulation in our lease and bags and baskets are provided by the complex. They just wander around doing their thing leaving it there and then the kids come along 10 minutes later.... come on people. You're probably the same ones who will cringe if you pick up something off your own (self cleaned) floors and think it's dirty.
  • Hiner001
    Hiner001 Posts: 8
    Does ur cat hike with u? If so, I would be utterly livid and offended. I wear my "i love my turtle" shirt ALL THE TIME and would prolly slap the 1st person who said their Dog is a better pet than a turtle!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I've had cats most of my life, and I have yet to have this happen to me. Do you take your cats hiking with you? :laugh:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    The cats are on the hike, guys! Those are awesome cats!!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    wait what? how do they know you have cats? or do they just say,"excuse me sir, are you aware that dogs make much better pets than cats? well its true, dogs rule and cats well...are lame, now continue on your walk." lol, thats really weird,i would never critisize someone for owning a specific pet, well maybe if you had an aligator in your bath tub and a 2 yr old..then I might advise you to get fish or something less leathal.. lol
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Dogs are better pets than lemurs. I think everyone can agree on that. Or whales. Whales make terrible pets.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Okay. Now I am thinking about animals that are crap pets. Here is a list. It isn't complete, so feel free to add.

    Mountain lions
    Tasmanian devils
    Fruit flies
    Polar Bears
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    LOL! I love the list of crap pets.

    And I don't know how these people seem to psychically know I'm a cat owner. I don't wear cat stuff (except the occasional cat hair) and I certainly don't take my cats hiking. (That would be a short bout of hysteria!) That's what makes it so bizarre. I'll be walking along, meet a dog walker and say hi/wave and smile because it's good trail etiquette and they'll say something like "I see you didn't bring your dog!" or "What, no dog? Must like cats, eh?" and then they tell me why they think dogs are better pets. It's nuts. Unless I'm doing something truly weird like hiking naked with a clown nose on, why would someone even comment on what I'm doing?
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Actually, fruit flies make great pets. You leave a banana on the table for a few hours and you know you've given your pet a good life. :laugh:

    Shoot - speaking of lousy pets, I just realized I forgot to water my plant. I wish he'd speak up when he's thirsty.
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    Dogs are better pets than lemurs. I think everyone can agree on that. Or whales. Whales make terrible pets.

    Hey! I adopted a humpback. Her name is Mist, and she's not a terrible pet! :tongue:
  • zave
    zave Posts: 238
    The dog park where I take my dog, I know the names of 20-25 other dogs. I don't know a one single dog owners name.

    zandhmom75- I would love a whale for a pet. But, where do you take a bath now?