craving something sweet



  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I'd go for a square of dark chocolate. My current favorite is Lindt with a touch of sea salt.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    *bump* for the many great ideas!!
  • SHERRIE134
    SHERRIE134 Posts: 26 Member
    will try some of these when I have a craving for something sweet
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Donuts! No seriously, don't eat them, just smell them. I don't remember where I read this but you can basically get the same satisfaction of eating something like a donut by simply smelling it with deep long breaths in. You sure look funny doing it but I've actually done it a few times and it works! I got the delicious donut smell in my system and didn't need to it the darn thing.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    My favorite is to melt a square of dark chocolate (40-50 calories depending on the brand) in the microwave and then dip either banana slices or strawberries in it. That way I am having a serving of fruit and satifying my sweet tooth. I also have skinny cow fudge bars (100 calories) in the freezer because I love ice cream. If I want something crunchy, I have a single piece of almond roca (70 calories)
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    2 tablespoons of PB2 with chocolate = 45 calories
    1 Chocolate Crunch rice cake = 60 calories
    105 calories for a really yummy, chocolatey, crunchy treat!
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    Here are my favorites:
    1) Skinny Cow dark chocolate truffle ice cream bar (100 calories)
    2) Vitamufin (my favorite is dark chocolate, tons of fiber and vitamins)
    3) Sugar free pudding (60-80 calories) and fat free whipped topping (15 calories)
    4) Blue Diamond 100 calorie cocoa roasted dark chocolate almonds


    I'd definitely choose the Vitamuffin. They're DELISH!
  • stscrivener
    stscrivener Posts: 17 Member
  • Hoyled1
    Hoyled1 Posts: 2
    I bought Nabisco Mini nilla wafers. I gave up chocolate for lent. They really take the edge off the sweet with a cup of tea.
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    102 calorie s'more - 1 graham cracker square, 1 marshmallow, 1 dove promise candy - heat in microwave for 10 seconds - so good! I only do this right before bed though so I'm not tempted to make a bunch.

    115 calorie waffle treat - 1 nutri-grain low-fat waffle, 2 tbsp fat free whipped topping, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries. This of course is much healthier - not quite as sweet, but the fiber in the waffle and the strawberries is good for you and you're squeezing in some fruit!
  • feliciapeters
    ok I have a small amount of calories left but I am really craving something sweet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

    No one believes me but quaker mini rice cakes in blackberry-pomegraner ARE sweet and crunchier than regular rice cakes. Theres like 13 in a serving for 100ish calories so youcan snack on a big handful of them
  • feliciapeters
    102 calorie s'more - 1 graham cracker square, 1 marshmallow, 1 dove promise candy - heat in microwave for 10 seconds - so good! I only do this right before bed though so I'm not tempted to make a bunch.

    115 calorie waffle treat - 1 nutri-grain low-fat waffle, 2 tbsp fat free whipped topping, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries. This of course is much healthier - not quite as sweet, but the fiber in the waffle and the strawberries is good for you and you're squeezing in some fruit!

    the smore sounds yummy! thanks for the idea
  • Aletha122
    Enjoy 2 Carmel rice cakes only 100 calories