Looking for support/friends

I have been on the site mostly by my mobile phone for a little over 5 weeks now. I didn't even know all support exists with friends on here.

My weight has gone up and down and I always had the attitude I will do something about it later. Well the path I was headed down I wouldn't be around for a later if I kept up doing what I was.

I have been working out on the wii doing ea sports active 2 and using Nike + with my ipod. I am just looking for anyone that could help give me additional support or encouragement. I am a pretty stubborn person so when I am dedicated to something I stick with it but im sure the added support would sure help. If anyone else that does ea sports active 2 for the wii wants to join my workout group let me know, same thing applies for Nike +

SW 285.6 lbs Feb 16
CW 247.2 lbs
Goal by summer under 200 lbs
Final Goal 155ish lbs


  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your endeavor. you can do it!
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 411 Member
    You've made great progress towards your goal already! I'm sure you can make your goal for the summer and beyond - Feel free to add me, and lets both work hard!
  • EllyK09
    EllyK09 Posts: 75
    Welcome! The website combined with the app is amazing! Enjoy!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi there!
    Happy to lend a supportive hand...it really does make all the difference! I have a Wii also, and do the original EA Active, along with a bunch of other fitness games. I actually had to go out and buy a new resistance band today, because I wore the original one out!! That's a good feeling :happy:

    I'm from Michigan too, originally, but the other side of the state! (I'm a Chicago girl now).
    Good luck on your journey, and I'm sending you a request now!!

  • Dancinhiphop4life
    yes this site is awesome for support. of course we can be here for you!
  • wwagw72
    wwagw72 Posts: 45
    Good Luck to you, this site is definitely a great place to start!! Feel free to add me. I have at least 50 LBs of unhappy marriage weight to lose, haha. We are all in the same boat.