Foods you absolutely can not keep in the house?



  • ack11
    ack11 Posts: 2
    I thought almonds were a good fat? So...... don't feel too bad!
  • cupcakes:) and chocolate!
  • jenniefromtherock
    jenniefromtherock Posts: 80 Member
    Anything chocolate...
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i absolutely refuse to have peanut butter in the house...i know it is great protein and 'good fats' but i will literally sneak to the kitchen again and again to pick at the stuff until it's all gone :blushing:
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    pizza for sure
    anything frozen and pizza related, like pizza rolls, bagel bites, hot pockets, etc....
    cookies, oreos are the worst

    baked breads, i love to bake: banana bread, beer bread, italian cheese bread, muffins... those never last long
    i've learned now to portion and freeze after baking

    if it's frozen, i know that i have to let it thaw before I can dig in, and i have a little more control
  • mitts1970
    mitts1970 Posts: 56
    I can stay away from the sweets, but chips/crackers/carbs - have to keep them away or I will eat them! Maybe it's the things that start with "c" hmmmm? :)
  • Emi_chan
    Emi_chan Posts: 105 Member
    Anything with chocolate in it =P
  • ICE CREAM. If it is in the freezer... well it rarely makes it to the freezer, and it doesn't matter how much there is.

    Also - canned black olives. I've eaten two cans at once before.

    Definitely not on the grocery list. :wink:
  • dhill_84
    dhill_84 Posts: 67 Member
    CHEESE!! I love cheese....and I just found out about a appitzer that is a bowl of a couple differnt cheeses and all they give u with it is a spoon and slicesof a roll....good thing I dont have that resturant here. I love cheese on its own or on many differnt foods.
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Oreos and cheetos are the worst...Ice cream is harder because it takes longer to grab so I might get caught. Haha...Thats the junk food. I also love pretzels.

    ohh man me too on the oreos.....

    FLAMING HOT CHEETOHS, enough said. =/
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Icecream, cookies, cake, chocolate of any kind, chips. I can't resist anything lol.

    I could go without Ice Cream (and did for like a year) but now I crave the WW ice cream cause its so delicious!

    CHIPS! I use to eat these all the time. Thanks to the Special K cracker crisps, I no longer have terrible craving!

    I'm losing my fight against Chocolate!

    I can NOT seem to let these go!!!!!! ='(
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I try to stay away from girl scout cookies, but i have kids and we always have something tempting in the house. LOL I am getting better at resisting though. :) I try to keep myself busy or put it somewhere inconveniet where it will be too much trouble for me to get it - or ask my son to put it away (I"ll never find it then!). LOL
  • RedsoxFan88
    RedsoxFan88 Posts: 9 Member
    Pita chips dipped in sour cream and salsa! I can eat the whole bag in one sitting!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Pizza is absolutely horrible for me... Can't resist.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I have to keep most cheese out of my house. I love cheese. LOooovee it. And tortilla chips.

    I pour a bunch of salsa into a bowl, mixed with shredded cheese, and use it as a dip for tortilla chips. I can eat the whole bag in one day, and have done that quite a few times.

    I have to keep my cupboards and fridge pretty "lean" or I will over eat. Especially when i take my ambien at night.
  • vegetable chips! they seem healthy but they totally rack up calories.
    but i love them D:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I have to keep most cheese out of my house. I love cheese.

    Yes. Me too.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I cannot buy the tubs of low fat ice cream/yogurt. I don't buy "bad" stuff, but if the "good stuff isnt in induvidual servings I'm like yeah that half a cup, NOT.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I cannot buy the tubs of low fat ice cream/yogurt. I don't buy "bad" stuff, but if the "good stuff isnt in induvidual servings I'm like yeah that half a cup, NOT.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Betty Crocker whipped frosting - almost any flavor!! Can easily finish off a tub of that stuff in 1 sitting.
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