New! Looking for friends :) (26/f/184/5'7"/SAHM)

Hello, Fitness Palers! I'm Jane, my stats are in the title, even though that sort of has a singles look to it I was hoping like-situated people would see it and come read, but am looking for a range of friends. I am mom to a beautiful toddler boy, and I have two rambunctious step sons. I also have two awesome dogs (black lab mix and an AMSTAFF). My partner in these things is Jack. He has no interest in a healthy lifestyle, because at 6-foot-a-hundred he doesn't have much trouble staying slim.

Right now I'm focusing on fitness and not worrying so much about my weight. In two weeks I've reduced my heart rate on my treadmill workout by 10 bpm. Not bad if you ask me- except it means I'll have to start going faster. Heh :) It's a really nice way to monitor progress set apart from the superficial- my HEART is stronger?! How rockin' is that?

I like to keep my weight at 165 or lower. My weight in the title is what I think I weigh, which is just shy of the day my son was born. That was the heaviest day of my life. I am hoping to step on the scale 5 weeks from today and find it at least 6 pounds less than that. That will be after 7 weeks of cardio. Less than a pound a week isn't really so much to ask, is it?

Also I need to be in a bathing suit two weeks from today :x Hoping to not make a fool of myself at it!

I'm very interested in using this site to it's fullest. I'd love to meet new people to cheer and be cheered.

Please feel free to add me, tell me about yourself or ask me about myself! Hope to hear from someone :)


  • charmsangel13
    charmsangel13 Posts: 50 Member
    Hahaha! I have the same problem, my boyfriend is 6 foot 2 and works as a labourer all day which means he can eat ANYTHING and stay slim. He's currently living in another state doing contract work and when he came back last month I ended up putting on 2.5 kg in a week just eating some of what he did!!

    Im 23, female, from Australia and I'll be your friend! I love dogs too!! I have 3 mini foxies. They are insane. :D
  • lizard26
    lizard26 Posts: 1
    hey, im the same age and height as you! add me as a friend...

    HW: 163
    CW: 134
    LW: 118
    GW1: 125

    i dont have any kids though...
  • katnz17
    katnz17 Posts: 45
    Hi Jane. Would love to be friends. I'm a similar age (almost 25), started out a little lower in weight but not by much though at this point I haven't got a recent pregnancy for my excuse (it's a good one).

    I've sent a friend request. :)

    You should love the site. I've been on for six weeks and lost 16 pounds. I'm worried about a plateau being in my future because it almost seems to easy.
  • MeaganAnn84
    Hi Jane! I am 27, 5' 7'', and 180, we're very similar! I will add you as a friend, you're definitely in the right place. :)
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    Yay for not being ignored!

    Kat- you know, unlike a lot of women I shamefully cannot blame my pregnancy. I worked throughout in retail, walked up to 3 miles a day with my dogs, to and from the train station or bus stops (one car family), and had such morning sickness throughout that I lost weight the first tri, gained none through the second and totaled about 9 lbs gain. By 6 weeks after baby I weighed less than before I was pregnant. Trying to figure out why I keep gaining weight over and over is just embarrassing. I blame this round on how cold it is in my new home (Utah) and how crazy demanding my son is (he's emotionally very needy, he likes almost constant physical contact). But at the end, it's just me. I have to figure it out. Your successful 6 weeks is inspiring. If I can lose that much by like august I'll be patting me on the back :P

    Liz- no one has to have kids on the Internet *shifty eyes* lol :)

    Charms! You understand! Jack was in the service until recently, whenever I could take time to spend a week with him I would instantly gain weight. I was running then (miss it!) and sometimes had such mixed feelings to travel or see him. I felt so guilty for that, but breaking routine just kicks my butt. I would even make a point to eat half as much as him, I mean, he's like 220, so if I (at the time) was 150 and running I shouldn't gain weight eating half as much as him! But I always would. It's confusing to say the least.

    Thanks, everyone. It feels nice to be welcomed :)
  • AprilTaurus
    Hey JJJ
    I am 26, 5'7.5" and 161 lbs. I have an 8 yr old and I certainly can't blame my weight gain on "baby fat" add me as well.