using site to help me put on weight!!

hi my names tina and im 34 years old and i am using this site in a different way to most of the rest of you.
i am desperate to put on weight but havnt had much luck other then when i was pregnant with my children, i am 5ft 2 and currently weigh 47kg. i would love to weigh about 55kg, when i left school at 16 i weighed 4 1/2 stone, i work in management in a office so spend 6/7 hours a day sat down, i do walk 20 mins a day for the school run 5 mins of which is up hill. other than that i dont really do any exercise other than the normal day to day house work. i am aiming to put on about 1/2 lb a week but my main goal is to reach 55kg within 12 months. look forward to hearing from people.


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hello and welcome.

    I hope this site will help you. Its defo hleping me, but like you say most people are the opposite and want to lose weight.

    Could you do some strength exercises to build some muscle?

    Good Luck
  • chloe4369
    even though i am here to lose weight,
    i went to a doctor with my friend who wanted help gaining weight,
    and they set her a diet plan for 6 weeks
    and he told her to double or even tripple her carbs,
    so dont eat like fatty junk food,
    just try to eat more patato, pastas, breads, rice, and stuff like that,
  • bruinjames
    thanks all..

    so far im pleased to say that ive gained 1kg in 10 days only another 9 to go
  • bruinjames
    really pleased with my progress so far... weighed my self today and 51.8 kg. next official weigh in will be on friday.

    my main concern though is how to maintain my weight when i eventually reach it. hopefully the friends i have met on this site will help motivate me.

    thanks to all of you without you i would have given up by now.