Doing something wrong :o(

Kirstan73 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

I having been using MFP for the last week, I have stuck to my calories religiously and exercised for 3 of the 7 days. The thing is, I have just weighed myself and it says I have put on a pound?! How on earth can that be the case?

I would like to think my scales are dodgy but I am not sure that they are.

Any thoughts?



  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    stick with it. maybe look at what you have been eating and try to change things. drink more water instead of snacks ect xxxx
  • dandydalek
    dandydalek Posts: 158 Member
    Salt can be a big problem. If you've been eating a lot of salt your body can hold onto water and make it look like you've gained weight.

    The important thing is to stick with it, try different things and see what works for you. Good luck!
  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    I would agree stick with it, when I increased my exercise level I stayed even on the scale.

    My other piece of advise would be if you are using the database beware of questionable entries. Often it seem people have accidentally entered the items wrong or they are just far too hopeful. Either way it can make some costly food items seem too good to be true.
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    Slow and steady will get the job done. I know it's frustrating, especially once you find the motivation to start working hard at losing weight, but you have to be patient. Keep at it and check in here for motivation!
  • Kirstan73
    Kirstan73 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all.

    Yes Renku I did notice that, I have been reading the packets to double check on a lot of stuff. Just have to knuckle down and see how it goes I guess.
  • I agree, stay the course. I know for me the key is consistently weighing myself at the same time, like first thing in the morning before eating, and only comparing a weekly weight instead of daily. Plus, as a woman hormones can make weight differences, once the hormone levels get back to normal I usually see a good decrease.
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    Keep at it, it will come off. I was at a complete stand still for about 2 weeks and then all of a sudden 5 lbs came off.
    Also if you are close to your TOM that can influence it anywhere from 2-7 lbs.
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