Best workouts for weight loss?



  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Any cardio is good as long as your putting in the effort (sweat) to do at least 3-4 times a week. Hot yoga (Brikram yoga) is excellent cardio workout and is great for getting your posture correct and toning up. Depending on your weight you can lose anything from 350 cal to 1300 cal per class which is 90 mins long. If you want to lose weight you need to reduce your calories intake to about 1400 and increase your calories to 1800 to maintain your weight when your happy of what you lost.

    I would have a real issue with sepnding 350 minutes to burn 350 calories. Lathough the calss may be enoyable, a 25 minute run would get you a 350 calorie burn.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Any cardio is good as long as your putting in the effort (sweat) to do at least 3-4 times a week. Hot yoga (Brikram yoga) is excellent cardio workout and is great for getting your posture correct and toning up. Depending on your weight you can lose anything from 350 cal to 1300 cal per class which is 90 mins long. If you want to lose weight you need to reduce your calories intake to about 1400 and increase your calories to 1800 to maintain your weight when your happy of what you lost.

    I would have a real issue with sepnding 90 minutes to burn 350 calories. Although the class may be enoyable, a 25 minute run would get you a 350 calorie burn.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    To be honest, you can do all the cardio in the world but wont matter if your diet is not good. You will see bigger benefits to your fat loss if you eat good quality foods such as meat, fish, eggs fresh fruit and veg.

    If you want to lose fat through exercise then interval training will benefit you the most.

    totally agree. now I just have to follow everything said above...
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    OK... after looking through your diary for only 1 week... You had mcdonalds, dominios.. KFC... all in just a week???
    This is your problem.. bad food.. too much sugar and sodium and over on your calories...
    Rethink your food and you WILL see a drop...
    You also have NO water... YOU NEED water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    OK... after looking through your diary for only 1 week... You had mcdonalds, dominios.. KFC... all in just a week???
    This is your problem.. bad food.. too much sugar and sodium and over on your calories...
    Rethink your food and you WILL see a drop...
    You also have NO water... YOU NEED water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good point....I have been eating very junky this week. I've been so confused about nutrition, that I'm winding up throwing it all down the crapper. I'm starting with no junk food today...although I had some junky food for breakfast, I'm trying to get rid of it. And I do drink water, I just forget to record it sometimes.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    hi alot of the workout does not matter a high percentage is that you have to work in the correct training zone for fat burning you should be working at about 55-70 percent of your mhr (maximum heart rate also combined exercises are good i.e rowing x trainer and are you changing your workout every 4-6 weeks as your body gets used to it and becomes less affective hope this helps :)

    Another myth. The fat burning zone is merely a low level of exercise that does not provide much improvement in cardiac condition. You will burn more calories, and fat, quicker with a higher level of exercise intensity.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I started with the bike and elliptical for an hour, improving my distance in the same amount of time, every time I went to the gym. Once I reached my goal there, I started to jog on the treadmill but still doing the elliptical after, always keeping it at an hour of workout. Now I job and do the rowing machine, I also do zumba once a week. All cardio :D
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I started with the bike and elliptical for an hour, improving my distance in the same amount of time, every time I went to the gym. Once I reached my goal there, I started to jog on the treadmill but still doing the elliptical after, always keeping it at an hour of workout. Now I job and do the rowing machine, I also do zumba once a week. All cardio :D

    try to start to add strength training, you'll end up burning muscle if you dont
  • vfinn
    vfinn Posts: 16
    im not big on exercise either any advise on how to motivate me?
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    im not big on exercise either any advise on how to motivate me?

    Make it fun
    Do it with a friend
    Promise yourself a reward if you do it for x number of times.

    Once you start seeing the physical rewards, it becomes more fun.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I've now developed a routine incorporating strength training, interval training, and cardio. I'll be updating on results later on in the journey! I'm also committing myself to following a regulated diet.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've now developed a routine incorporating strength training, interval training, and cardio. I'll be updating on results later on in the journey! I'm also committing myself to following a regulated diet.

    Great idea. Just remember. The scale is not as important as you think. I saw a woman win a body transformation challenge without losing a single pound of weight. Make sure to take measurements. They give more accurate information as to what your body is actually doing.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I've now developed a routine incorporating strength training, interval training, and cardio. I'll be updating on results later on in the journey! I'm also committing myself to following a regulated diet.

    Great idea. Just remember. The scale is not as important as you think. I saw a woman win a body transformation challenge without losing a single pound of weight. Make sure to take measurements. They give more accurate information as to what your body is actually doing.

    Wow. That's pretty awesome! I'll keep that in mind. :smile: