Embarrassed once and does not want to go through that again



  • yuz1
    yuz1 Posts: 1
    Don't wanna sound like a tuna commercial, but sorry Charlie! (Been there...done that!) I wish you the VERY best in your renewed motivation. I'm sure many of the people believe in you...believe in yourself and persistence will pay off and you will succeed! :)
  • DawnBelle
    DawnBelle Posts: 56
    You can do this!! You will have us all to support you along the way. Best of luck on your journey!!
  • Good Luck from a fellow Harley Rider.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Welcome and thanks for sharing with us! You will do it and stay with it this time for sure! Good luck!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I feel your pain. At my biggest, 2 of the techs had to forcefully latch the harness into place. On top of that, the crotch safety belt was cutting off circulation to my left testicle for the 2 minutes of Riddler's Revenge at Magic Mountain... I don't remember much of the ride, but I do remember the pain. So, I sympathize with you.

    As previously stated, remember that the key to a long, fulfilling life full of health is a lifestyle change. You can do it. I wish you much success on your journey.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    AWW i feel for you..the roller coaster ride .. I had an experience with it too.. My boyfriend and I couldn't fit into the same seat and mind you those seats were big enough for two.. It was embarassing given the fact that my boyfriend was like really lanky and i was almost 200 lbs so we sat in different seats.. I felt awful , miserable, people were giggling away . I knew i had to do something and i have done three fourth of it already . You can do it too charlie I know you can ! Go for it !
  • Welcome Charlie and thank you for sharing your story with us. That's a really big step you have made already - it's never easy to talk openly about what troubles us about our weight - so well done! I'm going to add you as a friend because I really want to support you on your journey - call it pay-back to all the wonderful friends I have met on my weight-loss journey. Without them I don't think I would have got this far.
    I too refuse to call this a 'diet'. I don't want to starve myself stupid for a few weeks to lose a few pounds and then pile it all back on (and more) when I start to eat 'normally' again. It is indeed a lifestyle change - I've changed my attitude to food and reinvented my 'normal' diet.
    Been here since January and I feel great! You will be saying this very soon!
    Good luck Charlie!

    ps to Phil - your experience with a roller coaster sounds incredibly gruesome!!
  • I've experienced the amusement park ride thing (as I'm sure many of us have). I'm not sure which I hated worse: having a seat at the beginning of the line that allowed me to see if I would fit or not ahead of time, or being able to ride, but holding everything up while some 17 year old went to round up an "extender" for the seat belt while the whole line watched and waited impatiently.

    You will find support here, but brother, your first hurdle should be honesty and openness in your own home. I gotta say I was a little bummed by the part where you said it took everything you had not to tear up in front of your wife and son. If you don't let them into your heart and passions, your little safety buffer will probably buffer support from where it is most meaningful as well. I'd be happy to support you, but it may read like this once in a while. Friend me if you dare (and that goes for the rest of you as well).

    My wife and I are talking tonight. I sent her an email...
  • KTNemo
    KTNemo Posts: 100

    You will find support here, but brother, your first hurdle should be honesty and openness in your own home. I gotta say I was a little bummed by the part where you said it took everything you had not to tear up in front of your wife and son. If you don't let them into your heart and passions, your little safety buffer will probably buffer support from where it is most meaningful as well. I'd be happy to support you, but it may read like this once in a while. Friend me if you dare (and that goes for the rest of you as well).

    My wife and I are talking tonight. I sent her an email...

    I am so glad to see this response, Charlie, because it was bothering me too. If you don't have the support of your family, then this journey is nearly impossible! Having someone to talk it out with, especially late at night (when bad cravings are high) can help you tremendously.

    I know it is different for women (which is sad) but I have cried to my hubby many times on my journey. He has been my greatest support and cheerleader! You are amazing, and you can do this!

    The only advice that I can add is make sure to log everything, even if you cheat or have a really bad food day. That is another eye opener! Once you see what you are actually consuming, it becomes easier to really reduce your intake. Be honest. You have already proven that you can do this. Good luck. This site is wonderful!
  • Thanks to all of you! On a roll and completed day three!!!!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Thanks to all of you! On a roll and completed day three!!!!

    Great job!!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member

    You will find support here, but brother, your first hurdle should be honesty and openness in your own home. I gotta say I was a little bummed by the part where you said it took everything you had not to tear up in front of your wife and son. If you don't let them into your heart and passions, your little safety buffer will probably buffer support from where it is most meaningful as well. I'd be happy to support you, but it may read like this once in a while. Friend me if you dare (and that goes for the rest of you as well).

    My wife and I are talking tonight. I sent her an email...

    I am so glad to see this response, Charlie, because it was bothering me too. If you don't have the support of your family, then this journey is nearly impossible! Having someone to talk it out with, especially late at night (when bad cravings are high) can help you tremendously.

    I know it is different for women (which is sad) but I have cried to my hubby many times on my journey. He has been my greatest support and cheerleader! You are amazing, and you can do this!

    The only advice that I can add is make sure to log everything, even if you cheat or have a really bad food day. That is another eye opener! Once you see what you are actually consuming, it becomes easier to really reduce your intake. Be honest. You have already proven that you can do this. Good luck. This site is wonderful!

    I absolutely agree whole heartedly!

    Just cried tonight to my husband, don't know where I would be if it were not for him and his support!
  • itsjen516
    itsjen516 Posts: 86
    good luck to you

    dont worry about the past but be postive of what the future has for u :D
  • fodorl
    fodorl Posts: 12

    Welcome!! U will reach ur goal weight! And then take ur son on thar rr ride! :smile: !!
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