I think some people just wanna see you fail.

A_shelton316 Posts: 127 Member
So last Friday I was feeling good I had a good weigh in and when I got off work I was ready to work out like normal, but as I was pulling in to my drive way my aunt pulled in right next to me (she was coming over to watch the basketball game KU that started at 6:30) she said "hey I brought dinner." I had planned on cooking dinner after working out while everyone was watching the game. I knew when she said she brought dinner that it was nothing good for me. Pizza in fact!!! I was really upset that she brought that over because I have hard time with self control I can't have that stuff in my house or I will eat it! So not only was there pizza being cooked in my kitchen but my husband forgot to tell me that he was having like 5 other people over to watch the game. So there went my work out because there is no where else in the house I can do my work out we only have one DVD player. I was so upset not so much with my husband but with my aunt she knows that I'm trying really hard to lose this weight and live a healthy life style but she don't think that I need to lose any weight (she is heavy herself). Ugh I just needed to vent a little. Thanks for reading



  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    then what more motivation do you need.......
  • danamfinn
    danamfinn Posts: 77
    I completely understand. The only person supporting you is you! My family will be like, take the day off from the gym you look exhausted, or hey come over for dinner we are having take out.
    You just have to realize that ultimately the only person watching out for you is you, when you are feeling pressured to make stupid decisions just think about how it will effect you the next day.

    Good luck to you!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    No problem, girl...... vent away!!!!!!!! Sometimes you just need someplace to let it all out. I feel your pain. It sucks when your carefully constructed plans fall apart on you. Tomorrow is another day!!! Good luck!!! :)
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Yah, sometimes it feels like all the forces are working against you. But if you can get through it, you'll be stronger in the end and proud of yourself! Hang in there, don't let people who work against your efforts weaken you!
  • bigtoddzilla
    I'm lucky because my wife and I joined MFP together and we are both changing our lifestyle. I don't blame you for being upset support from those around you makes a huge difference. Don't forget you always have support from your MFP friends and family. Stay strong and keep up the good work.
  • bethanymelton
    bethanymelton Posts: 18 Member
    You can do it!!!!
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    This is the exact motivation that makes me kill it in the gym everyday....Use this as fuel for the fire!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    You are the only one in charge of yourself. If you don't want to eat pizza, don't eat it.

    I know it's hard, my husband has beer in the house and chips......I don't indulge. The thing is, I can't control traffic, or the weather, I can't control the mood other people around me are in, the economy, the war, I can't control most of the things in my life - but what I can control, what I have ULTIMATE power over is.......what I put in my mouth - and how often I can and do exercise.

    I"m sorry.....but you should have gone on a walk - put on those headphones and gone out the door - you could have made a nice healthy dinner for you......even if it is just a salad - watch other people eat pizza? Yea, kinda sucks - but you are the only one who has the power to make changes in yourself.

    Hope I didn't sound too harsh - just sayin' how I feel.
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, some people have a hard time w/other's success. Hold fast to your goal. I hope you found the willpower to avoid overeating and could find satisfaction in that. You will succeed!
  • tjdurden
    tjdurden Posts: 7
    That's tough. It's also bang out of order for your aunt to do that. Even more so if she mocks you for trying to lose weight.

    Can you go out for a run/walk or something instead? Sometimes downing a ton of water helps as well. Also, as you know, eating soup is usually pretty awesome (fills you up without the calories).

    Keep going though.
  • BUBrat2
    BUBrat2 Posts: 2 Member
    I swear my boyfriend is making me fat. He encourages me to go the gym but then feeds me cookies and popcorn. Litterly, feeds me. What the heck!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    When I go out to dinner with my friends, they always always always try to get me to "cheat" on my diet. "Come'on, just one piece of pizza" or "Just one bread stick won't hurt!" or " Are you sure you don't want this yummy chili cheese fries?" Ugh of COURSE I do. I love food! Stop it!

    I think people who know they should be eating better but don't want to try to bring you down to their level so they don't feel as bad. You just have to keep thinking about your ultimate goal!!

    Oh and when they say things to me about what I eat, I just think to myself "You just wait till I'm all skinny and hott! Then you'll be jealous!" :D
  • susancelli928
    I think every person who is trying to lose weight has that one person in their life who always tries to ruin it for them. However, here is my question... Did you eat the pizza or did you cook what you were planning on eating, because if you ate the pizza than you let her win. You are going to come up against obstacles all the time, you just had to learn how to say NO. Good Luck with your weight loss quest.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Just remember you are responsible for what you put in your mouth and no one else
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Sometimes I think the same thing. I think that if you fail then the people who want you to feel justified in their lifestyle. Prove them wrong : ) Show your aunt how it's done!
  • allaboutme221
    That is why I don't share what i am doing with too many people and focus on those who truly help and support! Next time just get out and run or blast your radio and dance.... that way you will truly earn that pizza and can eat it without a bother in the world!! Also it will help not to solely depend on a dvd player... I know i get agitated when I plan to workout with the dvd and don't get the chance!
  • Pegster22
    Stick with it... so many want to see you succeed and unfortunately, some don't. I haven't been in that situation, but my thoughts were, take your workout outside for a walk and do some stepping where you can and then get take out from a place that has foods you like. My favorite go to is Gator's Dockside - Sea Breeze Salad. Keep it up the great progress and even if you do fail one night, get back to your successful journey!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    some people don't think about it but you can usually play dvd's on your computer too or search for workouts online, unless of course you only use your phone to log in or your computer is also in your living room lol. I have a t.v. in my room and that is where my computer is so I don't have to worry about people seeing me workout or being interrupted!!!!
  • Tinan76
    Tinan76 Posts: 56 Member
    Pizza doesn't have to be bad for you. Check out this page.
  • crebbe
    crebbe Posts: 18
    Its ok to vent!!

    I def understand the self control thing, its hard for me to resist eating bad foods in the house, especially PIZZA!!!

    Maybe next time someone seems to want to make you fail use that frustration to fuel you! Put on your fav work out clothes and go take a walk or jog outside. Not only will you get a work out in, but you will remove yourself from the food and look great doing it!

    You are in control, don't let anyone get in the way of your goals!