Devastated and not doing well...



  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    I'm not sure what meds you're taking, but many of them make it easy to gain weight and really difficult to lose it, so that could be a part of it. I put on 40 pounds with Paxil, lost some of that weight on Lexapro, got off all of it and lost a lot more. A year or so ago I had to go back on meds, but I've found I don't have weight gain or loss problems on Wellbutrin. Your meds might be something to discuss with your doctor, but if they're working great for you, stick with it!

    Hang in there; there are lots of people on here who would love to support you! I find it less stressful to focus on being healthy (eating right, working out) instead of losing weight. And less stress is always a good thing.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    my wife is pretty fit, eats well, and has high cholesterol

    she hates it that i'm obese, eat whatever i want, and have great cholesterol

    as we've age we discover genetic faults, and we are all aging

    fortunately there's a pill for what ails you. get a prescription and take it

    (note, i still eat whatever i want...i just choose to want weight loss)
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm a big Ruby fan. A pastor friend of hers said recently, "You can't conquer what you don't confront." Get on the scale or measure your waist. You won't know what's happening for sure without something concrete to go by. You don't have to weigh/measure each day or even each week, but you'll want to know how far you've come when you start to succeed.

    I'm finding this whole fitness thing to be more mental than physical. Make your mind up what kind of life you want, get a plan to achieve it (asking for help to plan if you need to) and get to work on it. If fast food doesn't move you toward your goals then you will want to limit or eliminate fast food. If oatmeal is the best food to lower cholesterol then you will develop a fondness for oatmeal.

    You can certainly do this. Make up your mind that you will succeed.