Couch to 5k apps

Hey everyone! The other day I was searching for a good Couch to 5k app for my iphone. There were a few that popped up, most costing money. So I had a question. Does anyone have one of these apps? And which one would you recommend? I wanna make sure I get the right one!

Thanks! :happy:


  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I have the bluefin software, C25k app (2.99) that I love, but I know its confusing picking. It took me a while to decide on this one. I just liked the set-up more than others. For another 99 cents, you can get gps to work with it and I love that and use it on every run. Hope that helps and good luck!
  • paperbagprincess
    Someone had mentioned a gps for theirs at work that they really liked. I'm just trying to do a process of elimination before I purchase one :)
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 245 Member
    I use runkeeper. It is a free Iphone app that you can set the C25K program in it. I like it so far. It will tell you to run and when to walk and plays your music on the back side. It also gives you a report of your pace. I found out about it in a runners magazine. Good Luck!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    i have "get running" i believe... and i like it because you can listen to your own music while you use it!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Makes sense. Best to find one you like because you commit! There are podcasts for the program too that I think are free, but you can't choose your own music (mine you can make your own playlist or use pandora). I'd rather spend the $4 and have my own mix but everyone is different. I love the gps feature just because I like to know how far I've gone, plus, then it calculates your run and walk time and calories burned.
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    I have couch to 5K for iphone and I paid for it...Personally it has been totally worth it to me. It's like anything else you just have to do it. I love that I can use it on the treadmill or outside, I can listen to the music and it just tells me what to do. I find the time goes much much faster not watching the clock, I just focus on the music. My best advice is to get yourself a really good playlist with a fast beat! If you go for it I'd love to know how you make out. I'm on week 4 and found it not too bad til now :) now it's starting to kick my butt a bit...not that I'm complaining it's a good thing!
  • paperbagprincess
    downloading runkeeper right now! Hey, if it's free and talked up in runners mag it's worth a try. And if I dont like it, at least it's free!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I have android. I have the android c25k app and the runkeeper. if the iphone has a runkeeper app I would definitely recommend it. It tells me my distance. minutes per mile and tells me how i am doing every 5 minutes.
  • paperbagprincess
    OH I already have a steller playlist! I run for about a half hr every day... I just wanted to try this app out and see how much stronger of a runner it makes me. Then I'd like to do a 10k one! I'm signing up for a running clinic as well. Sooo pumped! :heart: