So...Why is the scale going up?



  • kattyisfat
    I had a seven pound gain in 5 days. It was all sodium. We had splurged and eaten a terrific Chinese dinner (loaded with salt) then I didn't have time for breakfast the next day and had a V-8....bad idea, swelled up like a balloon. It came off but lots of water and green tea was necessary. Don't wory, I weigh in every morning only because it keeps me motivated! Good luck!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    If you weigh yourself so often -- and I completely understand wanting to know what your body's up to! Myself, I weight every morning and calculate 4-day moving averages :) -- you must be aware that fluctuations of up to several pounds are completely normal. Weight / fat loss occurs on a slower time scale. Even if you record your weight twice a day, the actual effect you're after occurs when you compare values a week or so apart (less if you have a lot to lose -- 100 lbs, say, more if you're already in or close to what's considered normal weight).

    What kind of "gain" are we talking about anyway? 3 lbs or 0.1 lbs?

    Now it's a little odd to weigh more in the morning than in the evening, because you sweat and exhale water, and most people pee a few times between the two points in time. Did you drink water during the night? If not, check with a different scale! (What does yours do when you weight yourself repeatedly? Mine tends to jump around these days. We may buy a more accurate and repeatable one (no, it's not the batteries in my case, but check yours).

    ETA: Yes, sore muscles retain a lot of water. I went up 3 lbs the day after a strenuous new routine! Lay about lazily for a few days if you want to see a drop :grin::.

    It was a couple pounds 2. BOO
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    I weigh myself every day too!!! But I then start to know and understand that every now and again the scales go in the wrong direction on one weigh-in but I know the next day will be better again!! Would worry if I weighed in once a week and it happened to be one of those days that I would be really demotivated by it and not knowing that the following day would be better again!!!!
    Not very clear explanation but I hope you get my meaning!!!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    Yep. I was going to ask if you’d recently started strength training or increased your exercise. Depending on what you were doing before, the change n workout can cause your muscles to hold extra water for a few weeks. But it will shed when your muscles acclimate. And you will see another drop. Watching sodium and staying hydrated will help.
    I found this article on swelling of muscles/retaining water when you have just worked out or are sore. I think this is my problem, seems like MANY people have this problem. This is a good reason to not worry about my gain after my CRAZY sore thighs (thanks Bob Harper Kettle Bell work out).

    This is nice to know. I started strength training again and working my leg muscles more and I gained a few pounds. Also my jeans are fitting tighter in the thigh area too. I had read that your muscles hold extra water but didn't know it was for a few weeks. I'll keep it up and see how it goes. Thanks for the info :smile: