People don't even realise they want me to fail!



  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat as you... too many people now tell me I'm "too skinny" and "don't need to lose any more"... but according to the "ideal weight" charts I am still "overweight" and have a BMI of over 24%. Also, I still have a "nerf football" gut that needs to go away. Even when I point these things out to them, they continue to say these things. So my theory is that all of the people who have known me for a long time remember how big I used to be and are still shocked when they see what I've become. They are comparing in their minds what they see now with what they remember. I'm "too skinny" to be me -- the me they have been accustomed to.

    But there's a high school tennis coach I know who is skinnier than I am and I KNOW that NO ONE ever tells him that he is too skinny -- they are used to seeing him the way he is and so it's "normal" for him to be at that weight. If I were to be as skinny as he is, I'm sure people would be telling me I'm anorexic.

    So going on the principle that most people are simply misguided, not malicious, I am assuming that the people who tell me this are not actively trying to sabotage me (at least that's not the impression I get), it's just their minds' and eyes' playing "tricks' on them.

    I recommend to just forgive them and go forward.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    There is someone in my office that is determined to derail anyone's healthy eating change. He will bring in donuts, cupcakes, candy, breakfast burritos, etc... I bring my lunch every day- even the days that I plan to eat out I still bring in my breakfast and snacks for the day. If you don't take him up on his donuts or cupcakes or whatever, he keeps pressuring you over and over. One day I finally asked him "Why do you take it so personally that I don't want one of your cupcakes? I don't like eating sugar early in the day because it makes me crash and i fell ill afterwards". He's pretty much left me alone.

    I have a friend who's co-worker will bring her lunch knowing that she's on WW. It's like these people want everyone to be as unhealthy as they are.

    Misery loves company??