Keeping it all in perspective

For the last three weeks or so, I've been a little frustrated with the scale. I haven't really lost any weight but the good news is that I haven't gained any either. Today, however, I had two things occur to help me put this plateau in perspective.

The first is that I've been working on the Runner's World beginner runner program and this is the week that I was to finally run 30 minutes without stopping. Not only did I make it but I felt so good at 30 minutes that I actually did 35!

When I got home I looked at the calendar and realized that it was exactly one year ago today that I started getting healthy. In that year I have lost 101 pounds and gone from someone who got winded walking up a flight of stairs to someone who can run for 30 minutes and feel GOOD at the end. For a year I've been eating healthy foods in the right proportions and I don't think I have ever felt this good before.

When I thought about these two milestones today, I realized that not having seen the scale move in the last three weeks is not really such a big deal after all. To everyone else out there frustrated with not seeing movement on the scale, I challenge you to adjust your point of view. Do you feel better? Do your clothes fit better? Are you happier, healthier? Don't let the scale rule your life. IT'S JUST A NUMBER!!!

Good luck to you all and keep up the hard work. It WILL pay off in the end.


  • DDSharp150
    That's a wonderful thing!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Standing Ovation to you my friend !!!!

    And an important message for all of us to consider when we get frustrated...thanks!

  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    Congratulations on both your milestones. You have a wonderful message for anyone who is frustrated to keep in mind.
  • tangoterry
    tangoterry Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for your post! I realize that on my journey I have to be careful to not get caught up in just the weight aspect of it. As you have so graciously stated, this isn't just about weight loss, it is getting healthy. Yes, I want to lose weight, but I also want to build physical stamina and adopt a lifelong healthier lifestyle. You can be thin and still not eat healthy. Congratulations on your MAJOR milestones. You are a true inspiration.
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    what a great post. Even though we are online friends I didn't know all this about you. To lose that much weight and you did it the best way. No surgery or pills. The healthy way. Congrats to you for all your accomplishments. You are an inspiration to a lot of people I'm sure. That's something too that on the day you ran was when you realized it had been a year. I don't think I'll ever get to a run, but I'm just thankful I can walk for a long period of time. I try to remember and thank God for blessing me!!
  • glcarr65
    glcarr65 Posts: 74
    Excellent milestone for you... So very happy for you....

    The scales are not moving to much for me right now, but the inches are coming off......