ChaLEAN Extreme or TurboFire?

lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, you guys, I need some help. I was watching the TF infomercial again earlier today. I'm doing Insanity now and want to be able to do some sort of strength training program for whatever I move on to next. I know TF has some strength training and CLX is mainly strength but, man, does TF look FUN!! So, do you think I should stick with just going to CLX or do you think TF will be okay?



  • gilmoremj3
    gilmoremj3 Posts: 7 Member
    I was in the same dilemma a few weeks ago! I ended up going with CLX (bc I too wanted mostly strength training/toning) and it is awesome so far! I'm technically only on my 4th day, but I can actually FEEL IT already. I've never tried TF. I go to the gym and walk or get on the elliptical for extra cardio in the mornings and do CLX in the evenings. Anyway, isn't insanity mostly cario and really raising the heart rate? You could always add that in for that extra cardio :happy: Just my two cents :wink:
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    If you are mainly looking for strength, I would definitely go w/ChaLean Extreme. Turbo Fire has 2 strength/toning workouts that use the bands. They're good toning workouts, but I think you'd build more muscle with CLX. TF is ALOT of fun but it's more of a cardio program. I've done both separately and am currently doing a TF/CLX hybrid so right now I'm getting the best of both worlds. :)
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    If you want a strength training workout, go with ChaLean Extreme.
  • Aps123
    Aps123 Posts: 71 Member
    I have to agree with going with chaLEAN extreme for building muscle. i have both and though turbo fire is so much FUN since you are already doing insanity i would go to CLX for strength. TF is mainly cardio. Good Luck! you will enjoy either one you get!
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