advice greatly appreciated!

hey everyone. I feel like I've been eating and exercising pretty well, but the number on the scale hasn't changed in quite a while! I was just wondering if anyone would do me the incredibly kind favor of looking through my diary, it's open, and suggesting how I could tweak it so I could potentially lose the weight I want? I've lost twenty pounds before I joined mfp, but I really want to lose the last ten to fifteen! any advice is welcomed, I'm honestly wondering what I'm doing wrong!! thanks so much in advance :smile:


  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    Overall you are choosing healthy foods. Make sure you are eating enough. If you have stubborn weight, try tris faitfully for 2 weeks for results:
    Eat 6-7 times per day
    incorporate protein at every meal
    aim for 80-100 g protein
    Drink lots of water
    minimum 1250 calories when no exercise
    eat back half of calories you exercise
    watch your sugar intake.

    Good luck!
  • nomayyy
    nomayyy Posts: 28
    I just quickly looked at your diary, and I noticed that your calorie intake is kind of low?
    You might be losing lean muscle mass instead of fat because of your low calorie intake, that in turn you may be slowing your metabolism and decreasing the optimum fat burn you could be achieving since you're losing muscle instead of fat. Of course it depends on how much tall your are and how much you weigh at the moment, but women should not be eating less than 1200 calories a day, and if you're active you should definitely eat a couple more hundred calories.

    I hope that helps! I remember reading about it in fitness articles, and I remember Jillian Michaels had mentioned the same thing about eating about 1,400 calories a day, and doing exercise on top of that.
  • cdalt24
    cdalt24 Posts: 55
    thanks so much for helping me out! I realized my calorie intake is a little on the lower side... but I never really feel hungry. most of the time I'm content with the amount of food I have, but maybe I'll try upping my calories this week and see how it goes. I'm pretty short, around five two, and weigh 138 pounds. thanks so much for your advice! it always amazes me how kind people are on this site.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    What is your current height & weight?
    Everything is relative but it looks to me like you're not eating nearly enough to keep you metabolism fired up.

    Make sure that your goal weight in a healthy BMI and not too thin.

    I gave myself a range instead of a single number to shoot for made it less stressful and easier for me to maintain. Other wise I would have given up ages ago.

    I plugged in my goal weight in as my current weight and chose maintain. I used that as my maximum and 1200 as my minimum.
    and then I zig-zagged a couple of day between 1200-1300 and a day near 1500-1600, then a couple of low days. I found I sort of did this naturally and then read about other doing it on purpose.

    After I lost the first 20 I swapped down to lose 1/2 lb a week, because now each pound is a greater percentage of your body weight.

    I agree with mumma2boyz eat back half of your exercise calories.

    Don't do the crash diety thing. trust me I'm twice your age... been there done that it screws up your metabolism and makes it much harder to maintain or lose later in life.

    Eat Safe,
    Nag, Nag, Nag

    Auntie Babs
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    oops double post
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    thanks so much for helping me out! I realized my calorie intake is a little on the lower side... but I never really feel hungry. most of the time I'm content with the amount of food I have, but maybe I'll try upping my calories this week and see how it goes. I'm pretty short, around five two, and weigh 138 pounds. thanks so much for your advice! it always amazes me how kind people are on this site.

    You post this seconds before I hit post.

    Glad to see that you goals seem to be appropriate. I've seen many young women here taking drastic means to achieve unhealthy goals.

    Remember your body is your vehicle to get you through life. Take care of it so it can work for you. So you can dance and run and play and hike and kayak or whatever you find fun.

    The slower you lose the more likely you are to maintain.

    Good luck
    I'll stop nagging now
  • nomayyy
    nomayyy Posts: 28
    thanks so much for helping me out! I realized my calorie intake is a little on the lower side... but I never really feel hungry. most of the time I'm content with the amount of food I have, but maybe I'll try upping my calories this week and see how it goes. I'm pretty short, around five two, and weigh 138 pounds. thanks so much for your advice! it always amazes me how kind people are on this site.

    :) Good luck on your weight loss journey! And I know what you mean, some days I just don't feel hungry even though I haven't consumed that many calories, so I'll chew on some nuts or something since nuts contain a crap load of calories for their tiny size. Another good snack that is quite high in calories but SO yummy are larabars! They contain no preservatives, all natural and only contain about 4-6 ingredients.