Life After Lipo

Hi my name is Drexel and i just found MFP last night i used it today and it's great
specially after lipo, cause the What to eat and what not to eat is the hardest part
of it all, so hopefully with MFP i can keep my new body longer..thanks


  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    Welcome to MFP! Just curious- what method of lipo did you get?
  • Drexito
    Drexito Posts: 6 Member
    not sure what's is called but what the doc did was to do some very small insitions (less than 1/2 ) two one each side of the chest
    like 4 on the mid section two on each side and three just top of the pelvic are (front) then he put saline with anesthesia and through the insitions he sucked all the fat out. i didn't fell a thing just a nice pressure that's it. i was awake the whole time. the process took like two hours then i was sent home. the insitions dissapear already.