Diet friends needed....4st to lose

Hi everyone
I'm Becky and decided to use this site as need to lose weight once and for all.....I'm not the best eater in the fact I'm addicted to junk food so really need help and motivation to not pig out and hopefully exercising will help weight loss.


  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi and welcome - 4st is what I've still got to lose to just be in the healthy range, so I know how hard the road ahead seems! But I do find everyone on here so inspirational and a true motivation to keep going. I do hope you enjoy the site and I look forward to seeing/reading how you get on!
  • HeidiM78
    HeidiM78 Posts: 58
    I have a similar amount of weight to lose :(
    But hang in there
    We can do it :)
  • misschocolate82
    Well feeling very optimistic at the moment.....joined the gym last week and lost 4lb woohoo and organised to be able to go at least 3 times a week plus bought dance central for kinnect (great fun), so hoping my exercise will make up for my bad eating
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Hello :) I haven't made my intro post yet (still thinking of what to say).

    What I wanted to say to you was **You CAN do it**!

    I know you can, because I've lost, I think, about 3 stone in eight months - very slowly but surely. It's been a journey, that I will also say - but here I am, with between 1 and 2 stone left to be lost to be within the healthy BMI range. I have more energy, I'm enjoying healthier foods (yes, really, my tastes have changed and treats are now 'treats' not simply my general range of foods), I'm wearing nicer clothes, I've had my hair cut into a more flattering style - my life has changed a lot in a very good way.

    It's worth it - YOU are worth it - now go do it!