Such a long way to go...

I am having a difficult time getting started - not because I don't want this (I desperately do!) - but because I suppose I feel like I will never get to where I wish to be...

I am 25 and weigh somewhere over 400lbs. I don't know how much over that because my scale does an 'Err' reading at that weight (talk about de-motivational). My best guess is around 425 - maybe slightly less. I know that I didn't put this on overnight and that I won't lose it overnight either, but I have always been an instant gratification person.

I suppose my question is if anyone else has that whole 'instant gratification' issue and what you did to help yourself stay motivated long enough to see results. I think it doesn't help that I cannot see a number on that bloody scale, but I almost refuse to even look at buying a new one for fear it will let me push my already too high weight even higher...but then again, that is another issue at this weight. You get so far gone that you don't feel you can ever get back to where you should/want to/ need to be.

Any thoughts?

This is what I am thinking of setting up as my mini-goals along my path, assuming weight is around 425.

CW: 425
SW: 425
GW: 150
Starting BMI: 66.6
Goal BMI: 23.5

Total needed to lose: 275 (yeah, that number hurts something wicked)

#1 Be able to read my weight on my home scale (400lbs): May 1, 2011
#2 Lose 50lbs. (375): July 7, 2011 - 4 Year Wedding Anniversary
#3 Lose 100lbs. (325): October 1, 2011
#4 BMI at 50.0 (319): October 15, 2011
#5 Lose 126lbs. (299 - yay under 300!!): December 1, 2011
#6 Lose 138lbs. (Over halfway to goal weight!): December 25, 2011 - Christmas Day
#7 Lose 150lbs. (275): March 1, 2012
#8 BMI at 40.0 (No longer morbidly obese - 255): May 1, 2012
#9 Lose 175lbs. (250): May 14, 2012 - Husband's graduation with Master's Degree #2
#10 Lose 200lbs. (225): August 1, 2012
#11 Lose 226lbs. (Onederland! 199): November 1, 2012
#12 BMI under 30.0 (No longer Obese!! 190): November 22, 2012 - Thanksgiving Day
#13 Lose 245lbs. (High school weight! 180): January 1, 2013
#14 Lose 250lbs. (175): February 15, 2013
#15 BMI under 25.0 (Healthy range!! 159): April 15, 2013
#16 Lose 275lbs. (GOALLLLLLLL!!!!! 150): July 7, 2013 - 6 Year Wedding Anniversary

I plan on rewarding myself in a non-food way at each point. Food has ruled my life for too long as a comfort, a crutch, a silent partner. No more. Not ever again.

I know that some of these are drastic numbers and quick. Some of that is because it will go faster than others for the sheer size that I am (I call myself the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Girl. :happy: ). I tried to slow it down as the weight gets smaller. I plan on evaluating myself at each point to make sure my goals and the dates are still achievable and going from there.

Okay, so there it is. I have just over 2 years to go at this point. Who is going to be Team Chelse for that period? Go Team Me! lol

Really, though, any thoughts/tough love/feedback/shouts of encouragement are welcome. Just try not to be too harsh, eh?:heart:


  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I am truely inspired by you. I wish you all the best! Good Luck on your goals- though I have a feeling you will not need it. Congratulations on making the first steps! I can't wait to see before and after pics!
  • ohchelse
    ohchelse Posts: 7
    Oh, another thought that just popped into my head. I know that 2lbs./week is oft stated as a good "amount" to lose. I am not sure that quite applies to me as it does to others, because of my size. I do want to state as well that I am intelligent enough to know what is too far with weight loss measures. My sister is a nurse, as well as a surrounding group of people that work in the medical industry. I promise they will get my back!
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Good luck to you. Don't worry about the final number, just concentrate on making that number travel downwards. I say to myself " I am eating to live, not living to eat". For some strange reason that seems to help.:smile:
  • beth736
    beth736 Posts: 12 Member
    i think once you start recording what you eat that will help you stay on track. something about actually seeing how much calories and fat you consume in a day wakes you up it did me. take a day without dieting and calculate everything you have ate and you will see. thats what made me stop drinking mountain dew i would only have 1 24 oz. bottle a day but didnt really pay attention to the calories and then i tracked it almost 350 cal i couldnt believe it now i dont touch it. i started with weight watchers before i started this they both help me. i hope this helps add me as a friend if you want i dont have as much as you to loose but i have alot. i have to loose 100 lbs and seems like a long way. but i know how you feel.
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    wow good on you for starting this journey i wish you all the luck i know you will do it, i had the same problem with motivation so i decided i needed to loose enough before october since we are going to ball and i have seen a slinky dress i want to get into , i had 112 lbs to loose and so far have lost 33 lbs 28 before i joined here and 5 since i have joined here, thinking of getting into that dress has helped me stay on track as well as having people on here support me when i feel liek giving up.

    I wish you luck and please feel free to add me :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Good on ya for making the first step! Im just starting out on here aswell. Im sure once we start and get to see those results its gonna be great & will def keep us motivated to keep going!
    Good luck on your goals!!
  • elizabethx
    Once you start seeing the results each week, big or small, It will be such a big motivator to keep going. And before you know it, you'll surprise yourself at how far you've come and it will get easier. Time goes fast. Just stay to your calorie goal, start exercising, as much as you can do- even it's its only a little a day. Every little bit counts towards the final goal. :)