calories i need to maintain my weight

fudokung Posts: 31
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost enough weight now I believe,, 5'8 height 135 pounds in weight and i am 19 years old.
Now, I am not sure whether I am sedentary or lightly active.
I am a boarding school boy so I have to walk to lessons, lunch, supper and I normally play badminton for around 3-5 hours weekly. I do weight lifting (30 min sessions) 3-4 sessions a week. I occasionally go into town (walking) for an hour or two.
I am tempted to go for 1900 calories daily but is that to much?? I just dont want to gain back any weight.


  • fudokung
    fudokung Posts: 31
    please give some advice......
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Try the 1900 calories for a week and if you gain lower the amount and if you lose increase the amount.
  • fudokung
    fudokung Posts: 31
    ok but will you say i am sedentary?
    and is the harris-benedict equation accurate for u?
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