just started 30DS & ....

was wondering about how long before you start to notice a difference? i'm new to MFP & just started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday. I recorded my weight, measurements & took "before" pics. should i check measurements again after 2wks or just go the whole 30 days??

anyone else just started?? maybe we could help motivate each other??


  • rebecca1608
    Cant help with your questions, but I want to start this DVD and want to know if I need weights?

    I want to do it, but keep putting it off.
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    I didn't really see results until the end of level 2 and beginning of level 3. Don't give up, it pays off in the end!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I say do it and wait the 30 days
  • hikingchick
    u'll need a mat if its on a hard surface & hand weights. i picked up a two 2lb weights at ross for $3.99
    good luck when u start!

    I'm gonna go ahead & wait the 30 days. but its good to know i may not see results until after level 2. that way i won't get discouraged & know i need to wait until after that. Also good to know that it works!!

    i can't wait!!