Stay-at-home-moms: what is your activity level?



  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Heniko Hey, excited to meet another bodyrocker! How many calories do you put in as burned
    after a workout. There seems to be no standard on this one and I'm still trying to figure that out. BTW I replied
    on my husband's account (jogui) didn't notice until too late so please disregard the message from him.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Right now mine is set to lightly active. I usually move around a lot, have kids and homeschool so I'm constantly cleaning, running up and down the stairs and all. I also live out in the country and have horses so there's always lots to do outside. The weather has been cold and dreary so I haven't done as much outside lately but when it warms up and I start working outside I'll change it to active.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Right now mine is set to lightly active. I usually move around a lot, have kids and homeschool so I'm constantly cleaning, running up and down the stairs and all. I also live out in the country and have horses so there's always lots to do outside. The weather has been cold and dreary so I haven't done as much outside lately but when it warms up and I start working outside I'll change it to active.

    OT, but your arms are AMAZING!
  • DaisyBayberry
    I set mine as lightly active. I have an almost 17-year-old and an almost 2-year-old. I am up and down stairs a lot with laundry and carrying my toddler. I don't log indoor house work, but I do log outdoor work, because I know I am getting such a workout. When I rake leaves, I am constantly vigorously raking and lifting a big bag of leaves and moving quickly across the yard. I definitely think that counts! Sometimes it is the most exercise I get all day!
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    I am not a SAHM for the long haul but I am during my maternity leave :) I set mine as sedentary in anticipation of when I go back to work (I am a software engineer so I really do sit on my butt most of the time!) However...I think that what some of the PP's said is a good idea, to log some of the daily activities as exercise but to be careful not to overestimate them. I have two sets of stairs in my house and I am CONSTANTLY running up and down them! Especially since I have an infant and a 5 1/2 year old who are always needing something and usually we are down in the basement.