Thanks iphone app for introducing me to MFP!

When I can, I love to give a shout out to my I figured putting it in the subject line works! ;-)

But in all seriousness, I did come across MFP thanks to an app search on my trusted pal iphone! I had been using another app for tracking weight loss, and well, in all honesty, got bored with it. And I think we can all agree that boredom and healthy lifestyles do not mix well. For example you stop tracking, you start thinking you can mentally add up all those calories you ate and approximate your workout calories so you trick yourself into believing that you can have that piece of carrot cake...after all, it has carrots in it and therefore can't be all that bad. And next thing you know, all the hard work you put in to take off 60 pounds is gone...POOF! And you get on that scale and scream in horror...iphone app, how could you have let me down this way.

Ok, I can't blame it all on the boring iphone app I once used...but it does sound a lot better than saying I got got in the way...I didn't give a bleep for a while...and so on! I mean nobody wants to look in the mirror and say..."hey did this to me..."

So here I am starting a new and loving the options on MFP; both through my iphone app and computer. I love the message board option!! As if losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn't hard enough on your own; at least through MFP you can connect with people and share your war stories...the good, bad and ugly of it all!

So bring it MFP…let’s do this and let’s kick BLEEP!!!!



  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    my iphone brought me here too :) been here for 5 months. and LOVE IT, The community has helped immensely!!! welcome!
  • austxdreamin
    Thanks!!! What would we do without the iphone...thank you Steve Jobs for saving the world one iphone/ipad/ a time!! ;-)

    Congrats on your loss to date!! That is wonderful!!