Are Personal Trainers worth the money?



  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I have only tried 3 different trainers. My first one trained a me and a friend at the same time and we met twice a week. He helped show us different exercises as well as making sure we were fit properly into the machines. We gained a lot of muscle definition and knowledge working with him. The second one I had a free trial with and we just didn't mesh well. He had me doing some exercises that I hadn't done before but he made me feel like I was so out of shape (which I'm not) that I couldn't possibly accomplish my goals without him! HA My current trainer I adore! I've worked with him once so far and will be starting a class with him that has 8 other people so it's part personal training part class. The one time we did train together he had me doing things I would never have done on my own and they were all geared toward working multiple areas at one time but also focusing on my trouble areas. I think we only used one 'machine' and it was a cable cage so not your typical machine. A good trainer makes you want to try your best, not makes you feel unworthy. They also impart knowledge on how to attain your goals whether it's fitness activities or nutrition or both. They genuinely want to help you.

    I think a good trainer is worth the extra money. You may not need it 3X a week but to gain extra knowledge and be able to change up your routine to keep your body guessing is well worth it! You won't get bored and you're body won't do the same old same old.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I ADORE my trainer. I would have never reached the point I'm at without her pushing me past where I think I'm done. If it wasn't for her, I would have never gone past 4.0 on the treadmill, done a wall sit or any other strength training. She makes me do things that are good for me but I might not like. And yes, my sessions are like therapy for me. We've become friends beyond my sessions, and soon will start training for a tri together (I've got a few more pounds to lose, and the pool isn't open yet).

    For reference, I pay $40 an hour and she comes to my house twice a week. I figure this is about equivalent to what I was paying in fast food and gym fees before I started this project....
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    Wow a lot of mixed reviews! i guess i need to do my homework and find a trainer who has a good reviews and has all the right training for both fitness and health. The main reason i want one is to give me the push to work harder and show me where im going wrong or if what im doing is right.

    Thanks for all the advice :o)
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    I do believe, even if you are motivated to go to the gym, a personal trainer probably will push you that little bit harder in the early days when maybe more motivation is needed.

    The problem is being able to afford one, personally I couldn't justify it.

    However, I do use the Wi fit and bought the " The Biggest Loser " software for it, and at £ 17.99 as a one off cost I get access to my virtual personal trainer. After a 30 minute session, I do feel I work harder than I would have under my own steam.

    Using the Wi fit, in conjunction with walking and cycling, I don't even feel the need to go to the Gym anymore saving another cost.


  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    Mine has been priceless :wink:
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    I am a personal trainer and it is good to get people going. It is also helpful if they know nutrition, however they can train you, but they don't feed you-so they can give you what to do, but you have to be willing to do it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to interview to find a good one.

    If you don't like their training style they should be good enough to send you to someone who would fit your needs better. In class we talked a lot about what kind of clients we wanted to work with. Like women who are wanting to get through pregnancy or get pregnancy weight off-yes come to me. I am a pro!! I know how to take weight off and also help with training for tri's. I am working on the body building side of things right now. I want to be well rounded.

    Just be careful of big box gyms that will hire anyone as long as they look good. They sad thing is you don't have to go to school-so do your research. I once worked with a trainer who told me it was a hard job because you had to pretend to be peoples friends. Never-I love meeting new people and helping them out. Find a trainer that fits you.

    Someone said you don't need one, but I beg to differ-so many people at the gym do because they have no idea what they are doing. This being said-find one that is going to teach you so you can do it on your own. You don't want to have to rely on them for the rest of your life.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    YES! definitely but you MUST find one that works for you!! My first personal trainer was priceless! She never took a day off when it came to me. She texted on me her wedding to day to make sure I went to the gym. She woke up with me at the crack of dawn to run a 5k, At the lowest point in my life she was there for me and helped me lose 50 pounds. They definitely can be worth the money.find someone who doesn't just see you as a piggy bank and actually wants you to be healthy
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I've always had a slight issue with proper form. Which makes me nervous I'm doing something wrong, leading me to not push myself as hard as I can.

    If I had the disposable income.

    I'd pay for it in an instant.