Too much Diet Pepsi?

emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
So I will fully admit that I am slightly reliant on Dt. Pepsi. I need the caffeine for school and late night studying. I know I should drink more water than one or two cups a day. I drink probably 6 dt. pepsi's a day. I was just wondering if drinking too many dt. pepsi's would have an affect on my weight loss.


  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I read a study a while back that said diet soda makes people hold onto weight more than regular soda does. I don't know how accurate it was, but it makes ya wonder, with the added sweetners and stuff. I personally have a regular soda problem, but have cut back to just one a day, and the rest is water.
  • rnd789
    rnd789 Posts: 50 Member
    I was the exact same way - not enough water, mostly diet soda throughout the day. When I stopped in January, it really wasn't so much a weight shift, but I looked and felt a LOT less bloated all the time, so I think it was definitely worth it. Plus, your body will thank you with the decrease in the amount of chemicals it's getting without soda.
    Good luck! I know it's hard to quit, but if you want to it can definitely be done!
  • crazymama2two
    also all that aspertame, etc. in not healthy for your body anyways.
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    If you need the caffeine, just try to drink more water with it. I wonder about the long term damage caused by artificial sweetners. My dad drinks 6L of diet coke/mt dew a day! I bet that is bad for your kidneys AND your teeth!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    I don't know about how bad that is for your weight, but it's definitely not healthy, and not so good for your stomach.

    I understand the caffeine cravings though, that's one thing I refuse to give up despite otherwise eating healthier. I need my daily coffee, and if I'm pulling an all-nighter for study I sometimes need 2 or 3! I think you should just do your best to reduce the amount. Try drinking one a day and having tea or some yummy but healthy snacks instead when you're craving a diet pepsi.
  • daniellefsc
    daniellefsc Posts: 37 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight, you should try to cut down on soda. It's not good for you, even diet soda. I am not a big fan of water either, but I've been drinking powerade zero and crystal light. Try it out for a week or so and see if you notice a difference.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I find when I drink diet pop I crave junk food. That's why I only have it once in awhile.. and then when I do, my stomach hurts from it. That's just my personal experience from it though!
  • justincantwell
    justincantwell Posts: 7 Member
    The main problem I have noticed with diet sodas is that it tends to make you crave more sweets. If you really just need the caffeine, try tea (black has more caffeine content) as well as antioxidants or you could always use a lower dose caffeine pill or something (caffeine is actually a mild fat burner). But you are right in that you need to consume a little more water with it as well to prevent dehydration.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I used to be there, too, but my choice is Diet Coke. I used to drink it all day long and never drank water. I weaned myself down to one or two a day several years ago. Six a day really is too much. Not only are you ingesting a lot of artificial sweetener (I won't go into the discussion on its possible health effects) but that's a lot of caffeine (which is also not that great for you) and the more caffeine you take in, the more you need. The problem is, when you're drinking that much caffeine, it's really hard to just stop drinking it. The headaches are terrible! I know from experience.

    I'd suggest slowly working your way down from six to 1 or 2 a day. Drink water instead of Diet Pepsi for one of your middle of the day beverages and then slowly switch the others you drink. I still drink one Diet Coke a day and it's usually my second drink of the day when I arrive at work, my first being a 16 oz. glass of water when I first wake up. I feel better and I don't need the caffeine any longer. My teeth are also whiter since diet colas will stain your teeth over time. Not only will you actually feel better, your wallet and your teeth will thank you, too!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions everybody!!
  • Billybobboy
    Billybobboy Posts: 11 Member
    There is NO such thing as "too much Diet Pepsi".... unless you are a 3-ounce Labratory Rat being fed 8 quarts a day for 18 months... Then, when the rat dies, you can say it died from too much Diet Pepsi... OR, you could just say Phoeey!

    Tests seem to show that people who consume food, water, tobacco, alcohol, fruit, tree bark, nuts, Altoids, and kelp over a period of 70-80-90 years seem to end up dead. One cannot be too careful, it seems.

    Will too much red meat kill you?... Probably, if you eat way too much of it for way too long a period of time... like 80 years.

    You are more at risk using an anti-perspirant with aluminum hydroxide in it.... That can cause cancer... (Not fooling.)

    So use deodorant only, and sit back and sweat, and cool off with a DP. Life is good!
  • btmixon
    btmixon Posts: 55 Member
    When I want soda, I usually drink a flavoRed seltzer water. Anyone know of any negatives to this alternative?
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    I read somewhere that no calorie sweetners stimulate appetite.
    I used to drink 60 oz of diet pepsi a day. I quit cold turkey and although it was hard, esp the headaches, I am so glad it did.
    I drink 80-100 of plain water now and dont even think about soda.
    Ask your dentist what it does to your teeth.
    Good carbs will give you much more energy and will last longer.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    When I want soda, I usually drink a flavoRed seltzer water. Anyone know of any negatives to this alternative?

    I love the Faygo Sparkling water -- all flavor and bubbles with no artificial sweetners. However -- I went to an info meeting for weight loss surgeries -- and the nurse giving the presentation said that the carbonation expands our stomachs and causes us to feel hungrier -- more hungry -- later??

    I don't know if that's truly the case -- but I can't live without my bubbly :tongue: