excercises to get rid of back fat and hip fat????

I have lost 21 lbs and am sooooo excited... my trouble areas though are still my back fat (under my shoudlers blades) and i have the side of my hips still....

is there any workouts i can do to tone just those 2 areas....

i usually do cardio for 1/2 an hour then strength training on the machines (arms and legs) for 1/2 hour about 4 days a week. but id like to add some more pin point excercises


  • PenguinPrincess
    I'd like to know this too!
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    For your back, I would try reverse fly.
  • 123Jude
    123Jude Posts: 56 Member
    deffo the same problem areas, i would love to know !!

  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    kickboxing! =]
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    BUMP..I need muffin top help!
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats on your successes!!! You really can't spot reduce, just overall, but keep working at it. You could do lat pulls to build muscle in your back, but it's still just going to be overall reduction. Some areas take longer than other. Keep up the good work!
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    having the same problem. my dad is a personal trainer and he said patience. if everything else is coming together the back fat will eventually get there. i didn't like that answer but it is the truth i guess.
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    You can't spot reduce fat. Unfortunately! Overall toning and aerobics are all you can do. :cry:
  • julie4760
    julie4760 Posts: 125
    yoga, pilates is a good all over toner as is callanetics
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I think it has to do with genetics, with my family it is weight in the arms and gut that is stubborn!!!!BLEH!!!! That always comes off last on me and is the first place i gain as well.
    Good luck!!!
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    What really works the lower back for me (muffin top area) which is where my MAIN issues are... (I have plenty of other issues) LOL.... is to do some back extensions. Also, here are some lower back and hip exercises that I love and totally work! : )


  • 1Lori1
    1Lori1 Posts: 1
    The PACE program seems to truly work. M.D.'s and Chiropractor's are recommending it to their patients.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    You can't spot reduce or choose where you want to lose the fat. Cardio workouts will help to burn off the fat, while strength training will help build muscle to firm up those areas and boost your metabolism. Chinups, bent over rows, and lat pulldowns work great to build strong back muscles. Squats, deadlifts and lunges are the best exercises to help solidify your thighs and buttocks.
  • eoisom
    eoisom Posts: 14
    believe it or not, i've been told time and time again that the ONLY WAY to remove back fat, hip fat, etc. is to do cardio, cardio and MORE cardio. the weights will only assist in toning. sorry ladies.....sad but true. LOL!
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    You can't spot reduce....BUT the reverse fly or the move where you sit on a bench with cables and face the cables, then you pull the handles toward your chest with your elbows close to your sides and elbows out at shoulder level (sorry for run on sentence). Both moves would work the back muscles. As far as hips/flanks (in the back at the top of the hip - think back part of "muffin top") I like the dead lifts. You can google any of these moves to see form.

    But the best advice I could give is up your cardio significantly. You gotta burn off the fat that's being held there.....that's actually what you're seeing. You might just take an intense cardio class a couple of times a week and then come out to the machines for muscle building. Shake up your routine and you might be surprised at your results.
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Like others have said, you can't spot-reduce fat. Your body decides on its own what fat it wants to burn off in what order, all you can do is keep burning. You can tone the underlying muscle, but you can't make the fat go away anywhere specifically.

    So, keep doing your HIITs and lots of good strong cardio, and watch your nutrition. The fat will eventually go away. Good luck!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    We have no say in how the fat comes off our body and you can't spot reduce or target burn. And strength/resistance training is very important because our lean muscle mass is what makes our metabolism. Increasing that will increase metabolism and you will burn more fat at rest and during normal activity.

    And check out Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. She gets your heart rate up and works the muscle groups in all the trouble zone areas. I'll use this in between my P90X weight lifting days.

    Congrats on your loss so far. Looks like you've done great so far!
  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks everyone for the excercises and tips!
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce as others have said, but I have found powerwalking where you twist at your waist while pumping your arms with your stride has seriously helped me. Mind you I'm much heavier, but I've already lost over 3inches on my hips this month and I can already see one less roll on my back :blushing:
  • 123Jude
    123Jude Posts: 56 Member
    whats a reverse fly !:embarassed: