Retraining my way of thinking proves difficult sometimes



  • chubbygirl30
    I try to look at it as one meal at at time instead of one day at a time. If i had fries at dinner like you did then i look at it and accept that for that MEAL i wasn't making the best choice. But i still have the rest of the day that i was "good". So instead of blowing a whole day of hard work i only blew one meal. not a biggie.

    On monday my first official day i mindlessly ate 2 1/2 cookies at work without even realizing what i was doing...when i was halfway through the third cookie it dawned on me and i threw the rest of the cookie out. At that point i could have said "oh well the day is shot i might as well have the muffin that is on the table, or pizza for dinner" but instead i just saw it as a slip and i got myself back on track immediately.

    Relaspse is a part of recovery. If Alcoholics and Drug Addicts can understand this why can't we??? I have a problem with food. and i accept that. I don't expect perfection from myself because that is too much pressure, because when i slip, and i will, i'll just feel guilty and disapointed in myself. The way we think determines our feelings which determine our behavior.

    Good luck and try not to beat yourself up too hard. Pick yourself up and move forward leaving your "relapse" of old behaviors behind you.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thanks to all of you.

    I posted a big long response and my computer went crazy and lost it.

    So I am feeling better. Many of you did put a smile on my face.

    I ate carrots with light ranch instead of the chips and dip and I feel good.

    I don't log in food when I lose control. Denial makes it seem like it didn't happen. I pledge to change that...starting RIGHT NOW. It is time for me to be in control of food instead of it in control of me. Funny how something I claim to love has such a negative effect on me when I let it.

    Thanks again.
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    Way to go.. Also I find entering bad choices in.. help with not chooseing them again... also thanks for the post.. it helped me too... :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Thanks to all of you.

    I posted a big long response and my computer went crazy and lost it.

    So I am feeling better. Many of you did put a smile on my face.

    I ate carrots with light ranch instead of the chips and dip and I feel good.

    I don't log in food when I lose control. Denial makes it seem like it didn't happen. I pledge to change that...starting RIGHT NOW. It is time for me to be in control of food instead of it in control of me. Funny how something I claim to love has such a negative effect on me when I let it.

    Thanks again.

    Yay for carrots and ranch.....mmmm....

    One step at a time....that's how we all do it.
    Remember no one else sees your food journal but you, so you are the one who is having to take the responsibility there.....Also, that means none of us are judging you on what you eat.....Heaven help me if others could see what I ate! HAHA!

    You have a very good mindset about not letting food control you....there are times it may but there is usually a reason for that as well. You are the one who gets to choose what you eat and one can force food into you....they may try to force it on you, but you get to make the final decision....and I know that is very hard.

    If you ever need to just vent you always can...sometimes we just need to get those frustrations out there! As you noticed there are lots who have the same struggles.

    You can do this....little steps.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thats why we like you

    Aww thanks hon :flowerforyou:

    Bamboo, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better about things. Good for you for leaning on this great community rather than letting your bad mood fester!! :flowerforyou:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    All of you have been a great support today.

    I showered, fixed my hair and put on make up (the last two I reserve for Sunday only during the summer), but today I decided that I needed to feel good about myself. So I feel pretty and encouraged.

    Since my last post, I did have lunch with a friend, spur of the moment. We ate at a local sandwich shop and I have no way of possibly knowing how many calories are in their chicken salad, so I went with the highest amount of cals I could find and logged that. Still under my cals for the day so I have not BLOWN it. I will eat a light dinner since lunch was big and hopefully get some gym time in later since it is too wet to ride my bike today!!

    Thanks again!