Dealing with Hypothyroid, need some suggestions please!!

About 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and ever since then, it has been a constant struggle to have "energy". It's frustrating because my thyroid levels have been steady ever since I started my meds, but I always feel so tired during the day (a tired like, I just want to sit and do nothing, but not quite tired enough to sleep). I always tell my doctor that I still feel tired, but the reply is... your levels are fine, so it must be something else... The last time I was in, she even checked my Vit. D. levels, and they were actually too high, and recommended that I cut back on the multi-vitamins that I was taking. I've been working out consistently for about a month and a half now, so my best guess is that it must be what I eat (which I feel is pretty healthy, but I don't always know what, for energy, I need to eat more of).

Any suggestions on what may be causing my perpetual fatigue, or ways to combat it? Or is this something that all Hypothyroid people deal with? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! :happy:


  • rurukidoo
    rurukidoo Posts: 54
    I'm in the same boat as you, though sadly I'm not sure I can help with the tiredness as I am suffering from the same thing. I feel like taking a nap in the afternoon some days, I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to still be having a nap at 28!!
    Did your doctor check your iron levels? I know I was a lot worse when mine were low.
    Hopefully someone with some better ideas will come along soon...
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I, too, have the same problem. Last Sunday, I was doing stuff on the stability ball and when I was in between workouts, I was resting my head on the ball just to catch my breath and dozed off!!!! Some days, I have felt like I have narcolepsy! I'll be conscious and then all of a sudden, I get tired and my head will bob off to the side and I'll jerk my head to wake up! That hasn't happened since I've worked out, which is awesome, but I hate feeling tired. I would like to know what people think about his also, but know that you're not alone! : / Let me know what you find out or if you find that something works for you!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I am struggling with hypothyroidism as well, my levels still are not regulated, my dosage was just lowered.

    I have recently, in the last few weeks, become extremely tired. I have not found a way to combat this yet so I am interested in hearing others' thoughts as well.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    I too, have Hypothyroidism, and like you I am often tired. And I take my little pill every day.
    I believe one of the reasons I'm tired so much is when I don't have enough carbs during the day. Carbs give energy. So have your multigrain toast with breakfast. Enjoy a bit of pasta, rice or bread with lunch. And go easy on the carbs for your evening meal if you want to get a good nights sleep.
    Hope this helps :)
  • grumpyswife123
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's (a type of Hypothyroidism) about 12 years ago. I felt this way for a long time and my TSH levels appeared normal. I convinced my MD to up my meds a little. I began taking B12 in liquid form and continued my multi vitamins. It helped a lot.

    Good luck
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    I have had hashimoto's hypothyroidism for 20 yrs and I think (sadly) being tired is just part of the disease regardless of the meds. Another thing to consider is sleep apnea. My friend who is hypo but a wisp of a person was just diagnosed with sleep apnea after many, many years of feeling exhausted. She never really snored according to her husband but she would stop breathing 112 times a night! This is according to the sleep clinic that evaluated her. She is now on a machine at night and says all of her tiredness has gone away. It is something to look into if you haven't already. Good luck!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Last year I switched my primary care doctor in search of more answers and better treatment for my thyroid issues. It was discovered that I have Hashimoto's thyroid, an autoimmune issue, not Hypothyroid alone. My doctor also looked at my T3 levels and found they were low and now I am on a second thyroid medicine to maintain this called LioThyronine along with my T4 medicine I have been taking for 6 years. This has made a significant difference in my energy level as well as weight loss success. I would insist that your doctor do a FULL thyroid panel and analyze it with you. My doctor did that for me. If they don't, search for a doctor in your area that is known for successful treatment of thyroid problems. The other aspect that has made a difference for me is monitoring my vitamin levels. Often times, B12 deficiency goes hand in hand with hypothyroid and I have just that. Lack of B12 can cause extreme feelings of fatigue. Have your doctor check these levels as well. I hope this helps, and that you find the same help I was lucky enough to have found :-)