Husband wanting to work out with you?



  • rockabyesarojane
    aww. yes the thought is sweet and it's good to have that kind of support but i agree that you should just try to find a way to express that since you have the kids with you most of the day you would really like it if the workouts could be your "me time" and if he doesnt work out with you then he can be sure the kids are occupied elsewhere. He could even have storytime with them while youre doing your thing.

    i always loved being read to and whenever i read to my younger cousins they cant seem to get enough because people just kind of stopped doing that at one point.

    anyway. my guy supports my loss but instead of working out with me. he just wants to sit on the couch and watch. he doesnt even pretend that he's not. he has no shame about it at all actually. if i start working out and he happens to be there he'll immediately plop down for the show. i feel like i should pop some popcorn for him one of these times!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    i think a good compromise is in order: maybe pick a day or two to walk/bike/hike/kick a ball/throw a frisbee/clean the garage/do the spring yardwork etc together and make it a family affair. Be active together and think of it as being active instead of thinking of it as a workout (and then maybe it won't be as frustrating when you get interrupted a million times or have to cut it short or don't get to the intensity level you were thinking of)..... BUT ALSO tell him how you feel about your workouts being double-duty workouts for your body and soul and that you really need that downtime to yourself to just get into a zone and to be selfish with your wellness. Make sure he knows you want to work out with him, but that you are afraid of missing out on your "me time" too... Most men will realize "happy wife = happy life" and will give you the room to yourself... just gotta be up front about it :)

    Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Ok, use last night as a prime example... In order to get a proper work-out, you need to get your heart rate up for so many minutes, right? Well, how can you do that with your kids crawling all over you? You need to have this time by yourself to concentrate on this priority. He's lucky enough that he's been able to focus on his fitness in the past and now it's your time.

    In order to avoid the hurt feelings, I like the idea of picking a day or two to do something together - go for a walk or bike ride as a family or play football on the lawn or whatever you think you all can do together. You'll still burn calories and have some fun together at the same time. However, the rest of the week, you need your dedicated 30 minutes.

    Maybe there's something you can do for him so he feels like it's a good compromise?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    People without kids just do not understand how hard it is to workout with little ones all up in your *kitten*, lol!

    :laugh: love it
  • ezgoingal2
    Tell him that you are trying really hard to get into a workout routine. And while working out together is a great idea and would be something you two could share, explain the difficulty with the kids running in and out. You might suggest joining a gym that has child care, but if that's too expensive, then you'll have to switch off watching kids while each one works out. That was the sweet approach. Now, unless HE can get them to sit quietly without interrupting for 30 min....either let HIM be the one getting interrupted and frustrated or tell him to quit pouting and watch the kids so you can have 30 minutes of time just for you!!! lol Oh, and that's the ******y approach.:tongue:
  • ezgoingal2
    Gorilla, i agree with you..great idea!!
  • nikkimoon1382
    nikkimoon1382 Posts: 72 Member
    I wish my honey would work out with me...or do anything remotely healthy. Thats great that he's supportive and you'll work harder if someone is there pushing you.
    Can't the kids watch a show in the other room or do homework or something? i mean its not that long... they can get used to you having "mommy time" . Its not selfish and they will learn to respect that time. See if you can get them involved once in a while for family fitness time.