Sedentary corporate desk jockey here...

I started my job as a corporate development guy about 3.5 years ago. I added twenty pounds pretty quick (to 215), due to a really great little cafeteria we have in the building. I decided to get off my butt and do something about it, so I started working out and burned the twenty off over about a year and a half. I was psyched... wanted to get down to 170, which I was in high school. Why not?

Well, the issue was that while I could get in the gym, I couldn't put down the sandwich. I have a serious love for food, not to mention the occasional glass of wine, and I just couldn't break through. I was at 195, and the only time I ever dropped below that was when I did a serious 3 week fast for church. So I decided to step it up, and start counting calories.

Hard. Tried a bunch of things, writing it down in a journal (that lasted about a day),, fatsecret, sparkpeople....never really got the hang of it, and didn't like paying a fee (MFD). Then I saw a little writeup on in the Wall Street Journal, tried it out and it is great. Have checked in for almost a week straight, and it is really easy to use and comes with an awesome blackberry app (totally necessary for us business types that aren't cool enough to have Iphones or Droids :smile: )

Pretty amazing how much I was eating...the first day I started using the app I got to my daily caloric limit by about 3pm! A real eye-opener for me...

So I'm gonna keep on it and I want to get down to my high school weight of 170. My best as an adult is 182, which was after the fast (and lasted about a week before I was in the 190's again).